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Posts posted by Bakayurei





    okay, nobody on here knows natalie harris. but i was so damn elated when i heard she'd moved to wales (eloped with her boyfriend).



    and when, on the last day of school, she agreeed to keep away from me and my bro smurfkillin' joe if we agreed to let her keep her life. that was such a happy day.


    her best friend is the most beautiful girl in the world (samantha, if you're reading, i mean you, my sweet pumpkin pie), and she's not even like, those girls who can be so, so beautiful on the outside and turn out to be absolutly nasty so-and-sos when you get to know them, her soul was the best thing God made (okay, maybe not the BEST--- the Lord's made plenty of things better, but her soul is very high up) and always seeing the two together, laughing and joking, was very confusing. i couldn't understand just how such an angel, a godess, could love that devil monster hateful devil, i didn't get it.



    okay, there is a point to this. you remind me exactly how i feel, dei. natalie harris, in school, for 5 WHOLE YEARS she tormented me, made my life a living breathing hell. her heart was as cold as hell. and i hated her. but i only hated her because she seemed to hate me. everything she did was hateful and hate-filled and to demean or humiliate or hurt me and/or my bro smurfkillin' joe. and i did not know why. every other girl in the world had no REAL problem with me. true, many would laugh at me to my face and behind my back for being different. but nobody would ever go out f their way to try to hurt me. grrrr.



    i really empathise with you. sadly i can give you no advice. all i can say, is wait for her to elope with her boyfriend to wales and then wait for the headline 'girl shot by elopee' or something like that.

  2. people assume i'm gay. just because of the way i talk, i have a deep resonous voice but i talk really posh and, well, camp.


    people think i'm gay, and they really, really hate me because of some things people have said.

    people ask me really dumb questions, like, if it was to save everybody who is related to you in the whole world, would you stick your finger up [PERSON X]'s bum? would you wiggle it around? it's all you have to do, but if you don't your whole family will get killed.

    would you lick [PERSON X]'s balls? would you stroke his nipples, to save my life?


    how do i answer? if i answer no, then i'm not gay but hateful, and if i answer yes then i'm seen as gay and i'm hated.








    oops. you know what i've realised? this has nothing to do with anything.



  3. okay, news, fellas.




    the venue will NOT be at my school, as i thought i'd have it.




    anybody who's interested and who doesn't live near cradley heath, &c., they can still email me, i'm at



    email removed



    and i'll explain everything there for you- the means of sponsorship, the venue, &c. but i can only tell you AFTER i have sorted everything out. you will also be asked many questions.










    whoever wants to, can come.





    there will never be a price.

  4. Me and my friend (we're near enough brothers; for safety i will give him false initials- s.s.) we have started up our fight club.



    okay, maybe this is sort of limited.


    but, anybody who is really really urinated off with the world and who lives in the vicinity of cradley heath and old hill, and who is out of school, post something here, then i'll fix it with my school to sort something out. i looked everywhere else for a venue for our



    fight club, but couldn't find anything so i'll ask the school.



    anyway, whoever wants to join, if we get enough members we can start. anybody who can't get to my school (i will post the adress of the school or other venue once enough people are interested) i will strongly advise them to start their own chapter.







    now i would like to add a little thing for it.



    fight club (started be BaKaYuReI and s.s.) is not about hurting, inflicting self-harm or hurting others. it is not about destroying things, it is not about fun. if you take pleasure in hurting then fight club is not fir you.


    fight club is about realising the true potential of your body. fight club is about releasing bottled-up anger.










    how it started- one day, s.s. and i were a little bored so we decided to fight. it felt so damn good, we decided to do it again and again, until we were too tired to go on. we had found something FLIRKING cool, after the first fight, we were so cool, nothing could urinate us off.




    that is the purpose and power of fight club. to release and control anger, and not to hurt or inflict pain.












    anybody who wishes to go on, may post another message.

  5. hmm... nice poem.




    i actually write poetry myself. the loneliness of adolescence, that sort of thing, only i don't write pretty flowery poetry. well: i have written one or two haiku about this girl i think i'm in love with. but i write mostly when i'm really, REALLY urined off. i write death-threats in rhyme to people i ate in the few moments i'm angry, it helps me to calm down.



    none of the things i write would look good in print, though. the whole point of them is the way the letters look.



    okay, enough about me. i reiterate, nice poem. it's nice to see a guy who doesn't try to impress girls by being all macho and dominant over her.





    cool, you're just like me!



    girls do actually quite like me. i'm 15, and girls do like me (but not quite enough to show me their panties- although one girl did drop her panties in my schoolbag. quite whom, i don't know to this day) they like my hair and the ruggedness of my beard, or they say they do. they like my boyish charms, and my craziness. but the girls who say and make me believe they like me, i'm not interested in.



    there's this one girl i do think i'm in love with. not a crush. real love.



    i love her for her personality and only recently i realised how nice she looked.




    well, you and i have the same problem.



    people generally dislike me for being so smart, for loving anime so damn much, they think i'm a pervert for liking hentai.



    but girls do like me, only they don't wanna be with me.






    i don't think it's anytihng to do with your outward appearance. if you notice, a lot of the times you see a couple on TV, there's a big, lardy, sorta good-looking man and his tiny bijou nice wife- on the fresh prince of bel-air, uncle phil and vivian, homer and marge simpson, and how about on the king of queens?


    i'm large, but not repulsive. my dad's large, my mother's no less attracted to him.







    girls will learn to like you in time.














    nice story, by the way. i envy you, i really do,.

  7. um:







    well, this is embarrasing, and only in a place where nobody knows me, or i assume nobody does, will i talk about it.



    well, my parents had 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl. our house only has three bedrooms, and my parents need a room for themselves. my sister, being the girl, would need a room on her own, which means me, my older brother and younger brother share the bigger bedroom.

    i do, actually, have the privelige of a bed on my own.



    some nights i feel like releasing a little bit of: well, you know. just to get me relaxed so i can sleep.


    i wait until my brothers are asleep, then i take my duvet off (yes, we are that rich, haha) and pull down my pyjama bottoms, think of nude cartoon and anime babes (i don't get turned on by real people much) and commence the masturbation.


    some nights i can finish myself off without disturbance, but one night i was halfway through and it was so damn good and i had my eyes closed so i could think of nude anime/cartoon girls, i opened my eyes and i saw a head attached to a person and it was looming over and just in front of me. it was my younger brother and even in the dark i knew he was smiling.










    another time, i thought my older brother was asleep, i heard him snoring. so, i: well, did it. i was bored, it was about 2:00 am and i still wasn't asleep.

    when my penis is dry rubbing of it comes out loud.

    i was: doing it, and i heard my brother shout 'stop your tossing and go to sleep!'




    i was pretty mortified. as you can imagine.










    in retrospect, these incidences are pretty funny, ne?





    oh, yeah, i taught my younger brother the anatomy of the female body and my brother caught him in the act of drawing a picture and masturbating over it.



    he caught me too.

  8. right.





    well, here's the information you demand.




    yes, we are friends. pretty good friends, actually. and, i've known here since i was: um. 12, oh, yeah. i am now 15.




    another thing, she's not the most aesthetically appeasing of God's creatures.















    my parents don't like me befriending girls, thought.


    so, what do you think now?

  9. if you think you're amusing, you're NOT.




    this is serious, man. you can't start making jokes which aren't even funny about stuff like this!





    but, i would tell you that a very long-term relationship is for life.


    shorter is a few years, maybe 10, 20.



    short term would be: a day, a week, or maybe a year.

  10. well: i would say your body knows you a lot better than some little plastic stick.


    you probably are pregnant, and if so, then congratualtions. but if you're not, but you probably are but if you're not, then well, i cannot advise you any more.

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