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Everything posted by PinkSkittles

  1. Things are looking up. I listened to my heart and I explained to him how much I do love him and that I don't want him feeling like I take everything out on him. You've all helped me and most of my friends have been telling me to let him go...but I held on and now, now he tells me that I've made him so happy, because I understand. He told me how sorry he was for pushing away; but that was the only way he felt I would listen, and take it seriously that he wasn't happy. I told him that I would take it easier on him....stop over analyzing and just enjoy our time together...but he needs to realize that he didn't approach the problem in a good way. Afer I talked to him he came online the next night and started hitting on me like he did before all this..telling me how amazing I look and how he wants to basically get in my pants. This worries me. How could he have wanted to end it and now he's head over heels wanting my body? I felt used and I told him that...he apologized and assured me that he loves me for me....but I can't tell if he's telling me the truth...I'm going to visit him on the 27th for the long weekend.....meaning I'll be staying with him and I'm nervous...not sure if sleeping with him is the right thing to do...not when we were so close to breaking up. I love him...but I need to know that he loves me for me and not for my body. How should I find out if he loves me not only physically but emotionally as well?
  2. I'm new here, so let me say hi to everyone. My problem here is that I met my boyfriend through college...he lives in North Bay and I live in Windsor. That's 8hrs apart during the summers and holidays. During the school years we have lots of fun together, we love being around one another and the sparks seem to fly all the time. But of course I might have my bad days when I snap at him or take something out on him and I may not mean too. Anyway recently this month, we're apart for the summer, I was talking to him online and he set a bomb shell on me. He said that he's been thinking about us breaking up and that it may be for the best. He said that he was fed up with me argueing with him at times and taking things out on him. I cried and cried for two days and he just doesn't seem to care. I called him on the phone and all he seems to want is to not be in a relationship. He says he doesn't know what he wants and that he needs time to himself. I decided to give him time to himself and stop talking to him online. We still talk but now it's like we're not aloud to express how we feel for one another or talk about the relationship...instead I'm stuck asking him about the weather because I'm afraid that if I ask him about "us" he'll get upset or something. I don't know what to do. He said he's coming to see me for just a day before he makes a decision...I pretty much don't have a say in what happeneds to the relationship and it's hurting me so much. I'm trying to get him out of my head but it doesn't work. We've been together for a year and a half and both of us are our firsts so that makes things worse...plus if we are to break up we have a year of school together...meaning I'm going to be stuck seeing him almost everyday. What should I do? Am I overreacting? Please help, I'm so confused.
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