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Posts posted by bananajuice

  1. Hey, hey, hey, get on with it. I didn't say it was Snow's fault okay? Man! I thought I made that clear for her already.

    Snow, this is not your fault. Men just love to watch "porno". Whoever tells you that he doesn't is either lying to you or there is something wrong with him. When a man looks at porn, he sees a beautiful piece of art - a woman's body. All these doing it from front, or from back, or from up, or from down, or from left, or from right, or from whatever b.s. they put on the screen is only to get men pay them money to see more. And I might add, there are quite of few men actually pay to see more. I don't know why they would. They are all the same anyway. With their mouths open kind of deal.

    I think you should join in and watch with him. Find out what is it in the deep of his mind. Anything that he might like to do. Or anything. By blocking him out will only give him a guilty conscious and soon he would start to resent you for it. And if the worst happens, you two may depart over such a small matter like this.

    You know now I think of it, this watching porno thing is actually women's fault. Don't you agree? You wear those tight t-shirts. You wear those tight-butts jeans. You show your legs by wearing short skirts. And you wear that low cut piece of cloth. Why do you do that? 'Cause you know men like that. Looking at a piece of art - A Woman's Body.


  2. Let me tell you why you are shy. You are shy because your dirty mind! You were thinking of her body parts and what you like to do with them and this is the reason you were shy! You pervert! But seriously? If you can not think of her as a sex object, you will do fine. If you weren't shy when you went out with your sister or good female friends? You shouldn't with any girl. So just get that gutter out of your head! I mean your big head. Geez, how come I never had this "problem"!!!!?

  3. You really want him? Or you want him because he is a forbidden fruit? Anyway, if you want to be his g/f? Easy. The next time you are around him, make sure that you bend down enough so he can accidentally see your breasts. Do that a few time and when you bend down again let him see your nice ass ... Then when he comes to talk to you, ... now, this is very important. When he comes to talk to you, you act as if he is still your enemy. Yes, talk to him but not overly eager. If a man chases after you, you would be valued. If you just spread your legs and let him come in, you are nothing but a cheap screw, ... as far as a man sees it. Get it?

  4. Thanks, snow. If she moans and groans, yes, I would love it; but not screaming so loud. That was really embarrassing to say the least. And when she makes love, her legs jerk. What's with this jerking business? Can any woman explain?

  5. Well, Chocos, what do you have to lose? Just one more week right? Probably by the end of next week it is you that wants out. When a man tells you that he is confused, he means he doesn't know how to dump you. Personally I believe he has found himself a new girlfriend while being away. But do not despair. If you found yourself a new boyfriend and not so stuck on the idea of a long-distance-romance, you would be telling him that you are confused too. Romance and friendship get diluted by the length of distance apart. When you are happy, he is not there with you. When you are said, he is not there for you. Now, what kind of "relationship" is that? I say to you, chocos, go get yourself a real boyfriend and forget him. He is gone. Finished. No use for this kind of non-romance.

  6. Well, what is it that you don't understand. Didn't she tell you that she had no feeling towards you? Swallow the fact okay? And this your not wanting to let go. Hey, you need a piece of ass fast. Okay? Once you got your rocks off, you would know how to proceed with this woman. She is your good friend, not your sex partner. Pure and simple.

  7. Whenever I have sex with my girlfriend she screams so loud that shocked me. I had to, sometimes, cover her face with the pillow. And when we had sex, she just jerks and grinds, ... what's the deal here?

  8. Confused? What are you confused? This girl wants your ass, man! She is cheating on her b/f okay? Unless you are built like Swazinigger, better stay away from her. She is a cock teaser and could get your dick cut off.

  9. I am a married man and I tell you why I look at porn. I want variety of women and more. If your boyfriend is watching porn and no matter how much sex drive he may have, this man of yours wants more! Time to bring in a girlfriend and you will see how excited he is with your girlfriend. This has nothing to do with you. Just he is not satisfied in sex no matter what you do. I have a suggestion for you though, maybe you should join in and watch with him so you know what he likes to watch and what really is in his mind. Like I said, there is nothing wrong with you. Just men have sex drives and want varieties.

  10. I don't know about having sex with your sister. I have none. But I did have sex with my mother a few times and I tell ya, it was Nice. Oh, my mother? She is about the same age as me. You know what I mean? She is my father's third wife. But hey, if you want to try it and she agrees? Go for it!

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