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Slim Shady1607306451

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Posts posted by Slim Shady1607306451

  1. The fact that you feel this way often...and that you actually fainted sounds rather severe. We all, throughout our lives, will sometimes feel a little weak or dizzy, but this usually doesn't last long and are few and far between in frequency. How you are feeling could be caused by a number of things so I don't know how you came up with anemia, which is a lack of iron in the blood(??). If your having trouble breathing...chances are its not anemia.


    First thing I suggest you do is visit your doctor immediately. Let him do a checkup on you, and follow up with blood tests. If there is something wrong with you, this will pinpoint it. Then your doctor will give you advice on how to treat it.


    The two most likely candidates are either stress (nothing wrong with you physically) or low blood pressure. Stress can have a horendous toll on the body and can lead to shortness of breath and weakness, especially when it is consantly on your mind. The fact that you said you feel cold, and weak, could mean low blood pressure. People with LBP feel cold because there isnt enough blood circulating around the body. Also, they often get dizzy and faint, especially when suddenly standing up. It is not uncommon for someone with LBP to faint.


    So once again.....just relax, understand you are in good care, and make a trip to the Doc. He will sort things out for you. Go as soon as possible.



    Slim Shady

  2. Save your manhood and stop talking to her, for now. Stop calling her, make no contact with her. If you mean the least bit to her, she will start wondering where you are and why you stopped calling her. She might think you don't care anymore, which is what you want to happen. Trust me. Then, she will try to contact you, eventually i might add. It might take a while. But when she does, act neutral. Be nice, make conversation, show her your a good guy, but don't ask about any relationship status. This will spark her interest because it shows her you are not mad and that you are a nice and caring guy, but you no longer are showing the interest in her, and she is wondering why. She will start to want you. Now, this will only work if things are at all shaky in her present relationship. If they arent, your out of luck, shes happy. If they are, you could usually tell, and you should make your move. Ill leave that part up to you. But if you want your girl back, take my advice. Its worked for me 100% of the time.

  3. Unfortunately, it's not always possible to stop feeling for someone in a certain way. It's quite possible that for the rest of your life, whenever you think of that person those feelings will arise. However, this shouldn't stop you from moving on in any sense. I think you are at the stage where you know there is no future between you two, and realize it, and can live with it, but she is still on your mind and you still care for her, so it hurts and you can't take your mind off of her. I have lived it, trust me, follow these directions.


    1) The longer you are hung up on this girl, the more you decrease your chance of finding an unbelievable love who will care for you just as much as you care for her, for the rest of your lives.


    2) Completely 100% understand the fact (even if it's not true) that there will be nothing between you two ever again, so if you TRULLY believe this, you w/ill focus much more on other women because you know that's where your future lies.


    3) Think how much she hurt you. Don't be a bitch. Be a man. Show some pride, show her how independent you are. Don't even deal with her, who cares about friendship. Work on other girls, or just w*ork on your life. Do what you love to do. Go out with friends work on your career, things of that sort. Find something you love about life that doesnt involve women like a hobby or a sport or your job and work on it and get excited about it. Eventually your mind will be off of her (not completely, but more), and she will mean less and less to you because you realize you dont need her and arent living for her anymore, although you still may care for her. Eventually, a new girl will arise and hopefully if everything goes right she will be the one.

  4. I've always been a firm believer that if a guy and a girl are friends, they should stay friends. BUT, if you really wanna give a relationship another try, then do exactly this. Stand by him. Talk to him frequently, infact become BEST FRIENDS. Get close, really, really, close. To the point where you can tell each other anything, and start to develop emotional feeling for each other. I can't guarantee to you that this will work, but show him how much you care and how cute you can be, and do it for a while. However, if after a long time nothing seems to be coming around, then you are in the "friends zone", and once you're there, you're there for life. It's the risk your taking.

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