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Posts posted by FlyingPolarBear1607306440

  1. she is into you as a b/f because she started to hold your hand. also she tells you how much she wants a b/f, and that might be a hint. you should hold her hand and see if she likes it. if she does, then when you sit down, sit very close, and see if she likes that too. soon you might be holding each other, and from there it is easy to develop romance. but you must take this first step to hold her hand and be close, or else it might fizzle out and she might give up. you have a good opportunity so take advantage before it is too late.

  2. If you two were to make it work again, it probably wouldn't be now. Whatever caused her to decide to break up is still probably fresh in her mind, and you are probably right -- she had it planned and prepared for the breakup a few months before it happened. I think your best chances are if all of a sudden you stop contacting her, in a way that she can imagine you met some other wonderful girl. She may imagine that you are happy with someone else, and that may make her jealous enough to want you. Remember, people want what they can't have. Also take a look at the things you may have done that bothered her, and at some point tell her you are sorry and would never do those things again. However it may take some time apart before she would accept that as genuine. Unfortunately she is in the power position now... she feels she can have your friendship and be broken up at the same time. Show her that she cannot have it both ways, that if she wants your friendship then she should be back in the real relationship. Overall though, be nice, be apologetic, and let her imagine you met some other wonderful girl replacement.

  3. In order for it to work, one of you will need to go accross the ocean sometime soon. Would he be willing to come to the US? If not I wouldn't leave medical school, that is too important. But also keep in mind that it is easy to be in love when you don't have to deal with daily issues of living together, and instead float on top of a fantasy that is kept alive by matters of distance. It is possible that if you two really spent every day together in person, you might not have the same feelings. So unless he's coming to the US I would suggest moving on to a relationship with someone you can physically touch and share presense with.

  4. yes that was the wrong thing to say. it will be almost impossible to fix. if she liked you at all, she will not want to go out with you now because you said you don't have time for a relationship. if she didn't like you, then she is really embarrassed now. she is ignoring you because it is over, you have now divorced. i would forget about her and move on to other girls.

  5. Since a long time has gone by without getting what you desire, I'd suggest trying a drastic change in daily patterns. For example, if you're in ok shape, try skydiving -- it will completely refresh your spirit, and it's an excellent way to meet people and expand your social network. Participate in adventurous outdoors activities with large groups of people, maybe through a club. Then, while you're happily exploring, you will run into romance much sooner and it will happen when you least expect it. Make it a goal to meet at least 5 new people every week. It's a game of chance at any age, and the more people you come accross the better. First though, become involved in social activities that make you happy.

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