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Posts posted by sheenaj8231607306434

  1. Hi..My name is Sheena and I am 17 years old and I have a problem...Ok here it goes...My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and 1 month and you see we plan on getting married and building a life together...my problem has to do with sex...My boyfriend never pressures me into it and always says whenever I am ready than we will do it...but I know how much he wants it and I want to make him happy....It's true I want to wait because when I give away myself I want it to be not just to get rid of my virginity but because I love him...he even says that if i never were able to do it he would still love me indefinently...it just hurts me to see that I cannot give it to him right now....But when I first have sex i want it to be with someone who I know I will be with forever...He is it and I just want to give him all of me...how can I stop feeling such pain about this....please help me?? E-mail me at email removed ITS IMPORTANT!!

  2. I am in a deep, serious relationship with my boyfriend and I have never loved anyone so much but there is just apart of me that is so scared of losing him that I am just so afraid all the time..you see in every relationship i have ever had throughout my life whether it be romantic, platonic, family, or friend I have been abandoned and I am so afraid he will abandon me too....we plan on marrying and I need to do something about this so it is not always like this and i am not always afraid so please if you have nay advice please e-mail me at email removed it is very important?!!

  3. My boyfriend is the most faithful person but lately and this never ever happened, me feeling this way I have been so afraid of losing him to another girl...i mean i have dreams about it and everything what can i do if you have any advice please e-mail me as soon as possible at email removed

  4. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year and we both know that we have found the person we wanna spend the rest of our lives with and we both have said we wanna get married but I wanna make it official so i am gonna ask him to marry me as soon as we turn 18...i just need advice on a way to do it right i have a ring any advice e-mail me please at email removed

  5. Don't worry too much I am sure if you just sit him down and explain to him the whole situation it will all work out...I have had the same problems I cannot trust men or let them get close to me as easily because my Dad hits me and past boyfriends have treated me like crap....until I met Chris we are planning on getting married but it took me so long for me to even let him touch me, kiss me, or anything like that and it took a long time for me to trust him but now i know he is the only one for me. If you wanna e-mail me e-mail me at email removed and maybe i can help you some way some how.

  6. I know exactlt how you feel...my boyfriend and I are just like you and yours we plan on getting married with or without our parents approval because we have realized that we cannot live without eachother and we know the sacrifices and committment we are going to have to make but it is all worth it because he is my heart, my soul, my life and i couldnt imagine my life without him and he feels the same way about me..and this is not puppy love or infatuation it is true love and if they cannot understand that than they do not understand me...we do plan marrying as soon as i graduate he is going to join the army and i know that he will be able to provide for us and i will too....we want to spend the rest of our lives with eachother and i am not afraid to yell that out to the world because i could never love anyone the way i love him if i could say every word every emotion of my love for him i would i know in my heart we are meant to be and no one can ever take that away....God sent him to me and if our parents cannot understand that than they dont understand us....Before him I wasnt sure if God was real but God gave him to me and made my life complete finally after all the waiting.....if you wanna e-mail me e-mail me at email removed maybe we could become friends and work through this together.

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