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Everything posted by orangeglow

  1. hey everyone, thank you so much for your help. All of your comments made me look at what's going on in a much different way. Let me just start by saying that he did reply to me after so long saying he hoped I was having a wonderful day and so on. To be honest, what I believe is going on is that he might be scared this is getting too serious, or he might not like me pursuing him. In the past couple of days it seems as if the only way he'll reply to me is if I send a message first. Up to this point he has not called me and he has not answered my phone calls (I called him three times at different times and different days). Also, I remember telling him that I was not looking for anything serious, and I am starting to believe he might think I am just using him or something like that. I don't even know what to think anymore. This is an obvious inmature guy. I am not going to call him anymore or text him from this point on, if he wants to get in touch with me, it'll be up to him to contact me. It sucks because I was developing good feelings for this guy, but I am just not in the mood for playing games ](*,)
  2. Well let me just say that even though this is my first time posting... I've been lurking around here for a while But anyways, on to my situation: I met this guy in class last year at my university and we became really good friends, we would call each other often and we always made plans but never actually carried them out. We finally got together after delaying it so much four weeks ago, we went to the movies and everything went wonderful, two weeks later we met up again and went to the movies. While waiting for a second movie to begin he just looked at me and said "I just have to tell you, I have a crush on you", I was actually surprised but relieved because I had always liked him myself. He went on to describe to me how much he had liked me since last year but he had always stayed away because I had a boyfriend. After talking for a while I told him I liked him too. We actually left the theater and sat in the parking lot and talked for hours- the night ended with various kisses. After that date he sent me a few messages asking how I was and saying how glad he was that I liked him too and he even told me in one of them that he was missing me. Last week we texted quite a lot, and saw each other on Tuesday and kissed some more. At one point he said to me "I hope you are not playing with my feelings because I really like you a lot", also he said something like "I want to get to know you, all of you your hobbies what you like to do" and he kissed me. He even wanted to know all this things about my ex-boyfriend "out of curiosity". Various times he has asked me things such as "Do you think I like you more than you like me or vice versa", and when the movie previews for movies coming out several months ahead would come up he would look at me and say "lets watch that!". The one thing I didn't like about him was that at times he would be aloof and he said that that's the way he was he said that it didnt mean he wasn't paying attention, but that he was "spacey". Another thing that turned me off was that impulsively I told him "I am going to start calling you babe" and he didn't say anything, and I repeated what I said and he was like "what I am sorry I didnt hear you" and when I repeated it for a third time he said "You can call me whatever you want"... I could tell he had not liked me saying that. But even after these two incidents he texted me and told me he wanted to see me and he missed me and stuff. Now here is where the problem begins. This week we had plans to have lunch together, but I had to cancel since I had a huge headache. That afternoon he messaged me telling me "what are you up to, I am so bored, I miss you =(", well I texted that I missed him too and called him... here is where it gets weird... while talking he said "well I'll see you tomorrow then or someday", and I was kind of turned off by the "someday" and I said "what" and he repeated "I'll see you tomorrow or someday"... and I was like "yeah sure". I told him "I am not going to call you anymore because it seems like I am always calling you" he seemed turned off by that but said "well okay I'll call you then". Well after that I sent him a text and he never replied to me. As in today he has not called me or replied to my last message about the kiss. I don't know what happened... we seemed to be so in synch. Did he get tired of me?
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