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  1. Thank you all for your responses! It's not that he knows he doesn't want to have kids but rather he doesn't feel it right now, which I'm ok with. However, I do want to have them in the future (3+ years from now) but he isn't positive that he will feel that way then - even though it is something he has wanted in the past. I certainly agree that I don't want to change him into what i want. However, since he is undecided on this topic ... is there anything I can do, questions I can ask to help he and I understand this better.
  2. So, i'm new to ENA but thought I'd throw this out there to solicit some advice. I've been with my bf for 3 years. We have discussed marriage and kids on and off throughout our relationship. In the beginning, we both wanted kids. When we talked about kids more recently he has expressed that he's not positive that he wants to have kids. I'm 29 and am beginning to have strong feelings about wanting a family. He isn't experiencing that same urge about having kids. I know he has some concerns about giving up things we enjoy if we have kids. And i know he wants to feel positive about it before going into it. My question is, do guys experience a strong urge to have a family the way women do? If not, how do they know when they're ready to have a family? What is the though progression and is there anything a girlfriend can do to help facilitate it? Also, how do I decide how long to wait for him to make up his mind when it is a definate in mine? I know he will be a wonderful father if he choses to do so.
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