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Everything posted by vani1224

  1. Concerning the tax return...we did that..maybe I should have explained that. Originally I owed 7,000 but we did the tax return thing and got around 3..leaving us at 4000.
  2. Ive talked to the university, Ive begged Ive pleaded. The only thing I can do is pay the 4000, get my transcript and transfer to a state school that will cover my costs...all before march 1st. I can't establish a credit history in 2.5 weeks. I even called a school I thought of applying to and explained the situation, asking them if I wished to start brand new with no credits would I need the old school's transcript and they said yes. I need some miracle loan.
  3. i did qualify for some, thats how a portion of seton hall's tuition was covered, but they didnt cover it all.
  4. Hi everyone, I am looking for some advice and suggestions on what I can do to help my current situation. I am 19 years old and I live at home with my mom, my parents are divorced and I rarely see my father. When I graduated high school I went to Cornell University for a grand total of two weeks because my father who originally promised to help pay for the remainder of my tuition that wasn't covered by scholarships decided he no longer wanted to because "it wasn't Harvard." So I went back home and lost a semester but applied to begin in January of 06 at Seton Hall. I stayed there for two semesters, my mom and I took on extra jobs to pay my tuition, but soon it became too much. This semester I am out of school and I cannot even transfer to another school come september because I owe seton hall 4,000 dollars and they won't give me my transcript in order to transfer to a smaller cheaper school. Most applications are due by March 1st. I have pleaded with my father to lend me the money but he refuses. It is too close to March to try to take him to court for the money. My mom and I have tried loans but she has bad credit and I have no credit at all, we keep getting denied. I have tried cosignin with my one other family member but she has bad credit also. There is literally no one who could help me besides my father. I am going crazy, I cannot miss another year of school. I love school, I need to go to school, I can feel myself getting depressed, I'm going crazy I believe just thinking that I won't be able to go back. I don't know what else to try. Does anyone have any suggestions please, it would be greatly appreciated. I apologize for the long story. Please help.
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