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Everything posted by lovespell

  1. lovespell


    My friend recommended this site to me...I'm so lost, I need some serious help. I've discovered my husband of seven years, with whom I have one 3 year old son with and am now 7 months pregnant with his twin daughters has been so unfaithful to me all along. Last week he received a strange phone call on his cell where he got all nervous and couldn't look me in the eye. He ran out of the room and i tried to follow but it was quite obvious he did want me hearing. Later I went to check his phone but he had deleted the call from his log. So I questioned him on it and he said it was just a friend playing a prank... Yes he knew I didn't believe it but I shrugged it off not thinking it could ACTUALLY be somethng like this. So yesterday he got another phone call but it didn't have a name when it rang so I picked it up and it was another woman and she got all upset when I picked up saying "who is this? Why are you answering his phone?" and i said "i'm his wife... who is this?" and she hung up. (sorry i know the grammar of this is awful, i'm shaky and upset and i can't think straight). so i called him out on it, once again he got very nervous and didn't know how to act and couldn't give me a straight answer. so after a huge fight i called my best friend on her honeymoon, yes i probably ruined it for her, but i need to talk to someone. she told me to go to his computer and check things out. so i did and i found everything. emails, chats, pictures... three women that he's been seeing behind my back. Beautiful women much younger than me and obviously not as big and huge as i am now. i feel so horrible i'm so unnatractive right now and i'm carrying his BABIES. how could he do this????? i just want to die i'm in such a bad situation... i feel like this is the worst thing that could happen and i have nowhere to turn. how can i turn away from him when i'm two months away from delivering our children? i have no relatives anywhere near me, both my parents have passed. i have many friends but i can't stay with them they all have families and busy lives. he told me he's sorry and he knows how wrong what he did was but he's in love with one of them and he's promised to be with her. she's 24!!!!!!!! how is this fair? he gets to run around with young, beautiful girls and i am left alone. this isn't fair to me or my children. i'm sorry for rambling on i just have no one to turn to or anywhere to go. i feel like i've wasted my whole life with this man and now i'm stuck with what he's done while he gets to run around and be happy all over again
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