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Posts posted by sallyusa

  1. I've had the same exact issue with my own husband. Our sex life has lessend but he rather watch porn and to give himself a good time than to do anything with me. So i knew before he was watching porno and it didnt surprise me. But i also became irriated as to everytime i ask for some he would say i'm tierd or come up with different excuses as not to do anything with me. Everytime i would want to put a dvd to watch i would find his porno lying around the apartment. And our relationship had became sour. We've talked about it and became a concern for me as to why he rather watch porno then to do anything with me. Ever sense that time our marriage had its downs and never asked for anything more. Cuz, i didnt want to hear the same answers over and over again. So i just dropped it.

  2. I just had this happen to me recently. Even when i got out of my relationship with my ex i was fixing to close all my doors to every men there was. Seriously, cuz i didnt even want to put up with anymore. I didnt even have plans to get involved and we clicked right off the bat. And I wasn't even looking into getting into it at all. And wasn't even in my plans at all. Nor, it was part of my plans or his. And now were best friends and taking baby steps for our friendship to develop on its own. I gotta say so far its been amazing for me. For him I dont know.

  3. even though my marriage is not repairable and wouldn't want to go back to it i would love the idea to start dating agian no doubt in my mind about that. but dont want to get involved in a committed relationship as of the momment because i'm experincing this now i dont want my next realationship to be a rebound. i want to make sure i'm out of the marriage and when its finalized and really over for good i might consider getting into another relationship but when the timeing is right. here i am going through a rollercoster full of emotions going up and down a whole lot and to get involved in an another relationship and having the same thing getting repeated with the new guy. nope i wouldn't want to go through that. so i'm trying to go on the safe side. eventually at one point i would love to be in a relationship but when the timeing is right for both of us. here i am talking to this great man but he understands my situation and i understand his but we both are not in no rush for anything. i've got my agenda full and he does too. but that doesn't mean we want to get involved soon. so i let it come naturally to me and take it from there and would unfold by itself.

  4. i was somewhat kind of situation whether to send a letter to get things off my chest to say the things that i never got to say to my ex. but the more i think about it the more i backed out from it. its good to write stuff down to get things off your chest whether in an email or a plain simple letter. if your wanting to send the letter and see what his response his he's probably not gonna care after all he's probably moved on cause mine's did the same. if your looking for closure with this man if i were you i would give closure to myself and not look back at all, sometimes its best to leave things the way they are and when that time comes and the timeing is right you will get the closure that you need, you just broke up. even though i broke up with my ex 4 years ago after 6 years i got my closure. i hope this helps a little.

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