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Posts posted by numbhead

  1. welldone,,,, youve come along way in 9 months... where are you going to live... germany or india? i think your type of relationship is a very difficult one to make a success... but if both parties show commitment and resolve it CAN!


    gd luck with everything.... it just shows you that "all you need is love"... as the beatles once said!


    i dont know what my ex wants but if she loves me enough we would be able to make things work!

  2. I absolutely refuse to give any merit to the opinion that everyone or worth is taken or that it will just be luck that I happen to find someone to love again.


    i hope youre right mate.... what you are saying makes sense... i spose what i was really saying is that a lot of people out of relationships have baggage and such problems come associated with that.


    patience is the word then!


    have you got hobbies where you can meet people? that might work better...i went snow boarding the other day! i think i may have found a great new hobby! you should try it! it kills the legs though lol

  3. ...would die to hear a woman say to me again "Orlander,I want to learn everything about you".


    i think there is an issue here!!


    ...the older people are the more issues they have in general! its ok when youre in ur teens dating because there arent really any big emotional weights being dragged around!


    women (and men) over the age of say 23 are gonna more than likley have some issues!


    finding someone that is well rounded, undamaged, attractive and fun to be with is a challenge in its self never mind a partner.... theres got to be these people out there but i know im not ready to start looking yet..


    i have this thought that keeps running through my head... "like why is this person single?,,, there must be something wrong with them lol..


    all im saying is that from what you have said.. it sounds like these women are not well rounded... damaged goods so to speak!


    gd look my friend

  4. .... its gonna be a bummer for me as its my ex's 21st in afew months.. im not going to contact her.. but it sucks cos i had plans for her and everything... i hope to god i dont feel like i do now when it comes around... or that wil be a s** t day!


    ...so dont contact your ex!

  5. ..... it all sucks!


    that is why i have vowed to not go on any of these sites,,, if i did it would kill me and torment me... i couldnt handle it!


    the gd thing about all this is that,,, my ex walked out on me and we are along distance away from each other.... i have and will never put anything on the net for her to ever know where i am ,, wot im upto etc.... so she cannot checkup on me....


    this is the only pleasure i can take from it all.... knowing that she doesnt knoW anything about what im doing !!.... she probably doesnt care,,, but it gives me a sense of power and control knowing this!!..


    its got to affect her,,, infact im know it will.... ... ha... it sucks knowing tht i could just checkup on her right this second with a click of a button!! lol BUT IM NOT GOING TO!

  6. my ex said she would be there for me whenever! then suddenly stopped txting and replying! she hasnt even actkowledged that i am still alive in over 2 1/2 months,,, i cant understand how somebody can do this.... i mean i was her everything !! unbelieveable how heartless people can be..... it is completely unlogical!


    she literally just doesnt give a s h i - t about me...


    i think its pretty funny how pple can be so different in such a short amnt of time....


    dont think so much into it, you will get nowhere!


    take it easy friend!

  7. LOL did your ex tell you that they loved you and wanted to marry you 4 days before they did a runner?


    dont read too deeply into it... it did and it got me know where!


    they are building up the curage to tell for a gd few weeks if not months (if a long term rel) subconsciously!


    its been over 3 months for me now, what can i say.....


    they probably were plucking up the curage and questioning themselves at the same time!


    take it easy on yourself....

  8. maybe thats exactly what youre doing!,,"waiting to break her heart"!!


    i know i would love to let my ex feel the pain she gave me,,,, but then again i wouldnt because i loved her so much!


    (god, it would be gd tho lol)


    i say before you do anything silly,,,, just sit down and talk to her,, that will sort it out one way or another!

  9. YE ive learnt a hell of a lot,,, still am... ha, its probably the baest thing that has ever happened to me,, i just dont know it yet.... i realised thati sacrificed a hell of a lot for her,,, she knew that..


    its what i needed in my life because there were too many compromises on my part!


    im using self help books at the minute to try sort my head out!! i still feel like a teacher tho! lol i dont know what grade my ex would get but id have to rethinkk about ever "givin her 1" lol

  10. ive been thinking about all this rubbish!


    ...and ive come to the conclusion that when you get dumped... it sucks! lol


    i feel like i have been training my g/f for life,,,, i'm a teacher ye i'm a teacher!


    she has used me as a lesson on life and moved on! it feels like ( i bet she feels like) she has moved on to a higher level, gone from school to college so to speak!


    that kills


    what does anyone else think... u agree?

  11. mate, i dont have the answers but we have got to drum it into ours heads that this is the case,, maybe it could be a gd thing initially to think that she could come back,,,, concentrate on improving your own life,,, sorting your head out and rebiulding yourself,,, tht is what im doing...


    i think if you do this.. (initially with the intention of getting them bk)


    you can slowly - without realising, move on

  12. LOL I too am part of the Nov 2006 club!


    i cant get the hope out of my head.. i think its abad thing,, it subconsciously stops you from getting on with my life... i know she has,,, and all she has to do is tell me otherwise but she hasnt and i dont think she ever will....


    when someone walks away like tht its hard b/c they think they can do better than "you",, they think youre not good enough for them... that hurts..



    i dont know about you guys but im beginning to forget about how she looks how she was etc.... but the pain is still there and insane jealousy... but just like SUPERDAVE said in one of his posts,,,"you need to stop thinking about any hope of getting them back to get them back" lol catch 22!


    i dont want to do this but what other alternatives do we have,,, this is the only way!

  13. i'll just say a mate of mine managed and they were over 300 miles apart for over a yr!


    i think there needs to be compromise on both side,, i know my ex wasnt willing to compromise!


    there is a definate risk of easily growing apart though! i know all too well!


    the thing that kept my relationship going so long was using msn messenger- microphone and webcam... we left it on 24 hrs aday,,, it was like being in the same room!


    hope this helps

  14. how long will this go on for do u think,


    i was in a very similar situation we made it last 1 1/4 yrs but she unfortunately drifted and lost interest!,,, it depends what type of pple u are.. i know my ex hated being alone and the last 3 months when she went bk to uni was the time that she subconsiously drifted because she needed the physical fix every night... god i miss her

  15. sorry to say this mate but u are in the axact same situation i was 4 months ago!


    my gf went bk to uni and we were having a "wk end relationship"


    she hated being on her own and the rest is history! just try ur best to understand the situation,,, she might be just waiting to let u down gently, try and get to the route of the problem NOW! some say relationships can run a course but i bet (just like me) u find it boring because she really ain interested anymore! it takes 2 to tango, theres nothing worse than doing it to a fridged! might as well not try at all!

  16. has it always been like this or has begun recently,


    the same thing happened with my 2 1/2 yr rel! it was a sign that she had had enough of me,,, could be the same in ur case. if so, it might not be too late to save the relationship! step back and look at things from a distance and from her perspective!


    i think most pple hit a point where it becomes boring and routine,,,, routine sucks!


    maybe she is fedup because ur cricket team aint doing too well! lol only kidding mate.


    just be careful of possible heartache, thats all im saying

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