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  1. I was in a almost 3 year relationship. We jsut recently broke up. I feel in a lot of ways it was a verbally abusive situation. When he is not a boyfriend he is great.. SInce we broke up he has already tried to get back together. I told him I did not think that was agood idea after some things he said to me. We have stayed friends though. I go to his house and we hang out But he is getting possesive again..He wants to know where I am , who I am with,etc..THe sad part about this is that this sounds so juvenile but we are by far adults..I am 26 he is 30. What is the best way to deal with him? As I have told my best friend..I am honestly afraid to not be friends with him because of what he may do.. Ahhhh.I am rambling...ANyway..ANy suggestions?
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