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Posts posted by Starlight1607307521

  1. Mine was 3 weeks before my 21st birthday. And it was with a friend. We'd been out, got drunk and begun talking about sex and stuff and I mentioned I was a virgin and that I was probably ready to do it with someone. He asked if it could be him. He was cute, he was a nice guy and he kissed pretty well so I said yes. The actual sex was okay. I didn't come (in fact the first time I came was the other day) but it felt nice and he was constantly making sure I was okay during it. We weren't in love, we weren't having a relationship and we didn't really hang out that much but I still think it was good.

  2. My friend is on link removed. Has been for about 6 weeks. She's had about 20guys e'mail her, to which she's responded to 6. She's had about 50 winks to which she's responded to about 10. She's sent 6 winks with 5 responses. She's e'mailed with one guy and spoken on the phone with him but she realised it wasn't going to work so didn't go on a date. She was e'mailing with another guy until he honestly told her she wasn't his type phsyically. She's picky, but in a good way. She doesn't see the point of pursuing anything with a guy she knows right away that nothing will happen. This ranges from their physical attraction to the type of things they put in their profile to what they say they're actually looking for.

  3. Hi guys


    I was going to write a new post but then I thought I would just carry this one on.


    So Wednesday, I went to watch the football with him at the pub. When I got there he gave me a hug and bought me a drink and we just chatted about our day until the football started. There was this funny kind of air around us but after we'd had a few drinks it sort of disappeared and we were talking more easily. I really wanted to kiss him but I didn't really know how to or what to do so I didn't. And then after we left we went to my place to watch a dvd. It was just going normally and then he got up to go to the bathroom and I got up to go and get a jumper because I was cold and we met in the hallway on the way back and something must have just clicked or that "air" bubbled over because we just sort of looked at eachother for a second and then we were madly kissing and basically had sex right there in the hallway *blush* He stayed over and I think we're going to be a couple now....I mean, we're acting like one but we haven't actually talked about it and told anyone else yet. I'm not really sure how to bring it up or whether I should

  4. His reply.....


    "Not sure which game will be on telly yet. Hopefully ours, in which case you won't need a book cos obviously we're an extremely entertaining team.


    Yeah, I blushed. I must be getting the flu or something. Wouldn't have minded staying. Maybe next time you get all girlie, depressed and hysterical.


    Off home now. Speak soon






    I think I'm going to kiss him on wednesday. Well, I think I'm going to try to anyway. I'll let you all know what happens. Arrgghhh.....how nerve-wracking!


    Thanks for all your advice people!

  5. I e'mailed him back. I'm not too sure I've said the right thing but I've done it now. If you don't go for it no one else will do it for you will they? So this is what I wrote....


    Wed sounds good. Who's playing? I'll bring a book shall I?


    It's fine that you left while I was asleep. It got me thinking though. I mean, I think I'd have liked waking up next to you actually. You're a pretty great guy. You're probably blushing now aren't you? haha!


    Anyway, let me know about Wed.




    What do you think??

  6. Okay, I just got his reply.....




    My day has been riveting so far. I'm hungover.....went to the football yesterday. We lost so I drowned my sorrows in beer.


    About the other night. You're welcome. You didn't sound too happy when you rang me and I didn't like to think that you were gonna be on your own. I'm glad you liked it. Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. Wasn't sure whether to stay or not.


    We can go for a few drinks on wed night if you're free? FA Cup 3rd round replay is on and I know you love watching the football with me.





    He didn't answer my question asking if he had been thinking about it. Although, I'm not sure I really expected him to. He didn't say that he liked it either. But then again, he didn't say it was a mistake either. Hmmmm, do I just pass it off as a one night thing? Or shall I push it a bit further and see what he does? What should I email back to him?

  7. Thanks you guys. He is pretty sweet isn't he? I e'mailed him like you said.


    This is what I wrote....


    Hiya Danny,


    Hope your day is going okay! Mine is way boring so I thought I'd amuse myself by e'mailing you.


    I wanted to say a huge thankyou for the other night. It was a huge surprise and I loved it. All of it. In fact, I've kind of been thinking about it a lot since. Have you?


    Well, maybe I'll see you later on in the week?


    Take care







    Is that okay do you think? Or is it too casual? Or not casual enough?

  8. It's your wedding day too. It's not just about her and she needs to realise that. Stand your ground.


    The thing about a wedding day being personal is right....I think wearing clothing personal to you, like a uniform, makes the day more personalised rather than wearing a tuxedo like everyone does.

  9. He's normally kind of shy and doesn't generally talk about himself or how he's feeling. You have to prise it out of him to find out what he's thinking. We've been pretty good friends for a couple of years now so maybe he does value our friendship. I do too. He's a great friend but I do have these other feelings for him and this whole thing has only confirmed them. I don't want to put him on the spot because I know he'll get embarrassed, clam up and run away. I was thinking maybe I could e'mail him or something. But I'm not sure what to say? I don't want to tell him I fancy him if he doesn't fancy me back because then it'll be awkward.

  10. k, so I've been depressed recently for various reasons and then me and my girlfriends were supposed to go away to a spa for the weekend and have a relaxing pampering weekend to de stress and just relax and get away from everything and then I found out that I couldn't go because of work so I got even more depressed, especially at the thought that all my girlfriends were going to be out of town. Anyway, I have a guy friend and I basically burst into tears over the phone to him and spilled my guts to him about everything that I'm feeling right now, even to the point that I said I haven't had sex in months and a whole bunch of other stuff. I mean, he's really easy to talk to because he just listens and doesn't judge or anything.


    Well when I got home I thought that I would just get wasted on wine, cry and then pass out but then I got a knock at the door and it was my guy friend and he had his arms full of loads of stuff and basically he's gone out and bought loads of girlie pampering stuff, like scrubs, and face masks and bath oils and all sorts. he said he was going to cheer me so he got me to sit down in the living room, gave me a glass of wine and then went into the bathroom and he set it all up with candles and a bubble bath and stuff. I mean, how sweet is that? And then when I was in the bath he gave me another glass of wine and some strawberries and he attempted to give me a facial and wash my hair. And then he gave me a massage, which was sooooo good and I got really turned on, and well basicaly one thing led to another and he pleasured me until I orgasmed. Then we both fell asleep and when I woke up in the morning he was gone.


    I've always fancied him because not only is he lovely and sweet and funny, but he's drop dead gorgeous but what does this all mean? I mean, guys that are just friends don't go to all that trouble? Or do they? Does he fancy me too? Or was it really just a special night he planned to cheer me up and make me feel special and good about myself again? I can't stop thinking about it. It was amazing. I haven't seen or spoken to him since but we have texted, not about what happened but just general, everyday stuff. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

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