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Everything posted by hera

  1. You are so right Ash. He will always be in my heart, and reading your words brought tears to my eyes. He is not perfect by far, and there is night and day difference between him and the new guy who so wants to be a part of my life. Am I being fair to the new guy , I feel so guilty for still having so many feelings for the other.
  2. My husband passed away. We married young and I had virtually no other experience with others. I think it made me very vulnerable in how to handle other relationships.
  3. I had lost my husband in 2003 and last summer was ready to move on with my life. I joined an online dating site and met someone who helped me realize who I was , gave me so much . We talked for 7 weeks before we met, and became very close. Because of issues between us we can not be together. We still talk, and he wants me to move on and be happy, and even though I have met someone who only wants to make me happy , who is such a wonderful person I still can't let go of him. What is wrong with me. How do I stop having these deep feelings for him and move on? I don't know what to do, how to move on.
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