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  1. I think we have such low expectations today that we look at romance as expendable. I once dated a guy (well we were 19 so he was a boy) who used to leave me little notes. I would go to class and open my text book and there would be a little message like, "You're beautiful. I love you." That is romantic. It doesn’t have to be big and outlandish. My current boyfriend, not so much with the romance stuff. I would say all of my boyfriends after that boy with the exception of the Argentinean i dated (of course he was romantic!) were lost in the romance dept. I equate romance to thoughtfulness and how is it that the majority of today's men (and women for that matter) give such little thought to their lovers? For Christmas this year my grandfather had a necklace custom made for his wife, which was beautiful but the way he gave it to her was so sweet. On Christmas morning they were getting ready to come over and he told her what a great job she had done decorating the tree this year and she said oh thanks. He continued to say how nice it looked and then asked, "Oh this ornament is nice, where did you get it?" When she looked at it she saw that it was a big ball with the necklace hanging inside. How romantic is that? What have you done that was romantic? Heather
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