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Posts posted by 88cookie

  1. he wouldnt wanna play volleyball with you if he didnt like you. so you are in a good place right now, he def. seems to enjoy your company. see where things can go, just remember the future as you both go to college soon dont want a nasty breakup in the future so be careful not to set urself up for disaster later.

  2. wow, you are only 20. i am kind of in a similar situation and but im 19. ive only had one 'more than friends' thing that lasted a few months but didnt really go anywhere but we remain friends. I am seeing a girl now, although timing is bad and i havent actually seen her in a few weeks. Once you get into a situation, its just natural from there. In high school i rarely talked to girls and didnt date any cuz it was not gonna last and would be pointless. I guess im an average guy, definatly not great looking or anything. I would never of though in a million years i could date the girl i am dating right now (beautiy-wise) but fortunatly for both of us looks are maybe 10%. Everyone that sees her pics is just like, whoa how did you manage that or whatnot. I dont condone it, but you can try finding someone online that way your intentions for a relationship/dating are out in the open, thats kind of what i did and it is such a relief to the whole situation. the girl i havent seen in almost 2 months (our first date) i am going to see tomorrow and its soo great

  3. yeah i didnt really mean to blame the poster, but im not taking back my comments about abuse wont be tolerated by law cuz it is true. the poster can help though, although he shouldnt be of blame, that douche bag of a parent is to blame and if i were the child he would of been in jail a long time ago

  4. all i know is if my parents were hitting me, i wouldnt care if he was jackie chan i would call the cops. culture doesnt mean de-meaning your own children by bashing their skulls in, that makes absoultly no sense



    edit: if you are outside of america, then oh well, but in america we have laws and they get enforced

  5. So you are only shy around girls but not guys?



    much more so, if i started a new class its easy for me to talk to some guy cuz i mean we atleast have one thing in common (gender). but like girl wise im not gonna be all open and whatnot out of nowhere. say like walking around in the mall, im def. not outgoing enough to just go up to talk to someone. i met a girl and talked to her a lot and somehow we just click well and it made me a little more open about stuff like that. now ive been in an actual relationship for about a month and she is on a much higher level looks-wise and normally id never say anything to her in public, but we are really good together so i def. dont look back to how i was growing up. during like high school i never really dated at all (shyness def. not the only reason why) but most of my friends could relate to what im talknig about im not a convo starter with someone i dont know.

  6. my parents have been married for like 25 yrs or so. i think shyness with the opposite sex has a lot to do how u are raised though. i have 3 bros and no sisters so im not to comphy around the females, but i break out of my shell. i think it has to do with the fact i was hardly around and open with girls during my childhood

  7. i dated a girl a few times, maybe 2 months or so and she never met my parents ofcourse they happened to not be at the house when she was over. but also because i didnt feel it was neccisary for her to meet them that early on but if they happened to be home then just be like hey mom and dad this is so-and-so. is he going out of the way to have u avoid meeting them?

  8. now there is one big reason i didnt bother dating in high school. if ur thinking about a breakup and have a found a reason, just do it cuz more than likely its gonna happen down the road if u r feeling it now. i bet there is someone else out there who is honest and gives u 100% and more mature. there is a lot out there past high school trust me

  9. well thanks, things got interesting as she finnally got a hold of me last nite and everything is kind of sorted out but we still havent talked about some issues that i want to be a little more open about but it was good to hear from her again so just go from here i suppose

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