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Everything posted by phoohaaha

  1. I broke up with my girlfriend of two years about two months ago. we had a pretty rough relationship that had we both been in a better place we would have never gotten together in the first place. we lived together within three dates. We were both looking for a change in our lives. she was looking for some calm stability and i was looking for some fun. i embody what she wanted and she embodied what i wanted. so we broke up. she was initially crushed a much greater extent than me. i pretty much didn't feel it. now that a couple of months have past i suddenly am really missing what we had and she is completely over it. i sit alone completely unmotivated and feel paralized. this is really bad timing to be going through this but i feel as if i don't want to move. She is the only one that i feel i can talk to about it, but i don't want to give her the impression that i want to get back together. The comfort and joy of loving/being loved on a daily basis was nice but we just weren't meant to be together.
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