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Posts posted by MountainDrew

  1. Yep, we are almost 5 hours away. I am a year older than her and am in my second year of college. She is a freshman. I was fine last year, I mean it was no fun, but I stuck it out. I guess it was just too tough for her. Never once did I have a thought in my mind about experiencing other things. I loved her so much that it didn't even cross my mind. Guess that was all in vain.



  2. Haha, honestly, communication. I know it's what everyone says, but it is the real deal.


    Unfortunately, I am beginning to feel like the last 6 months or so of my relationship, we were together because that's what we were used to. I was content with that while we were at college, but I guess she wasn't. So maybe only 3 years of truly truly loving each other.



  3. I know you've heard it a gajillion times, but communication is totally the key. Like the others said above me, you have to talk to her. And as sad as it is, you have to be prepared for her to just say, "I need something new" or something along the lines of that. Trust me, I know...my gf of 3.5 years just broke up with me 2 weeks ago for that same reason. Talk to her! It is the ONLY way to begin to fix things.



  4. As you may have read, my gf of 3.5 years recently broke up with me. I was thinking though, 3.5 years ago I used this site for advice on kissing, because this girl was my first relationship and I had no idea what to do. It's just kind of a weird thought that I figured I'd share. Never thought back then that I would be using the same advice board to cure the broken heart that she gave me....



  5. I think I'm in the beginning stages of your situation Davie. My gf of 3 and half years ended it about 2 weeks ago. Now there is a different guy in the picture already. Just letting you know that you're not the only one, I feel your pain. Quite vividly actually. I'm not looking forward to when/if she comes running back to me. I mean, as much as I would love to have her back, I don't think I could stand to be used. Chin up Davie. I'm sure trying...

  6. Today is technically my first day of true NC. I've got a long ways to go...ugh. Knowing it's the right thing to do helps though.


    This couldn't possibly have happened at a worse time. I am in the midst of finals at college right now. Although it might actually be good, because having to study really hard has sort of kept my mind off of things a little. Which is why I am really scared for the next 3 weeks. We will both be at home exactly one mile away from each other. AND I will have nothing like finals to take my mind off of everything. It's going to be tough.


    Guess I will have to find something to do.


    Thanks so much for your responses friscodj. I know I have kinda asked some of the same questions, but you are REALLY helping me think things through. Thanks for being there man.



  7. OK so I took a pretty big step, at least to me at this point, tonight. After seeing my ex sign on to AIM, I waited and waited for something to happen, i.e for her to say something. Well after the disappointment of that not happening, I went into another slump. Worst part of today. So the step I took was to remove her from my buddy list. I didn't block her, just so that I can't see when she's on. It was the toughest thing to do as of yet for me, but after how bad I felt after her not saying anything, I decided that I didn't even want to know when she is on.


    But what if she does say something? What am I supposed to do? I just want to be prepared if that happens.


    One more question...does being friends ever work out? Like truly work out? I mean, she really seemed like she wanted to be friends. A few times that we talked before I decided to go NC I was being really nice and she even said that "we'll be OK." Well that same night is when I told her I wanted to go NC. Then she got mad. I just can't stop thinking that maybe we could have actually been friends and stayed that way for awhile and then got back together. I just feel like she is actually mad at me and that I ruined any chance.



  8. Man it doesn't feel like it's her loss. I mean I know it is, but I'm hurtin right now. And I am not sure exactly what the deal is with this guy, but it looks like they are a little more than friends. It's hard to tell though because we are almost 5 hours away from each other. I'll have to remember about it being her loss. That kind of makes me feel a little better. Thanks for that.

  9. I feel like I left things so badly. I kinda did the desperate "please talk to me" thing a couple of times and she got really annoyed. Should I text her and say that I'm sorry for that and that I won't be bugging her anymore? Or will that just make things worse?

  10. I really know what you mean about the college thing, except that I am in college paying 27000 dollars a year to go out of state. My girlfriend of 3 and half years broke up with me 2 weeks ago...a week before finals. There couldn't have been a worse time. I don't really like college to begin with, I was actually doing it mostly for our future together...so now that there is no future with her, I have to get things together and get a degree for myself. It's so tough, I know exactly what you mean when you say your life is so boring and disappointing. It's horrible. And on top of that I have to study and pass 4 finals. I feel your pain Scorpio.


    Keep posting, everyone on this site is SO helpful.



  11. I suppose I forgot to mention that we are about 4 hours apart at our different universities.


    Wow, you really hit the nail on the head with your description of the break up. Basically exactly what happened. I guess what I don't understand and what is making me feel so bad about all this, is that the last thing I want right now is another girl. So why does she want someone else? Does that mean that she doesn't really care and that she views me as replaceable? I have asked her a few times how she feels about it all and she never really tells me exactly how she feels, just that she is "normal." Haha I'm confused.


    Oh and she is going to mail me my stuff soon.



  12. Thanks so much for the response! You're right about the understatement


    So all of what you said still applies if I want to, and hopefully she does too, get back together eventually? Just stay out of each other's way? It's just so hard...I mean she is friends with this guy that she met fairly recently and right when they started to become good friends she broke up with me. This weekend they went out alone to this winter parade thing where we all live. And I asked her about it in a totally non-intrusive way and she just blew up at me saying it was none of my business. Seems a little defensive to me but it could just be my emotions?


    If she's really mad at me like she says that's a bad thing because what if her last thoughts of me are how she's mad at me. Or is it a common thing to respond in anger?


    Sorry if I'm sorta asking a few of the same questions. I'm just so confused and even though it's been 2 weeks, I think it is finally starting to really sink in.



  13. New here, lots of great advice. I'll try to keep this quick...my girlfriend of three and a half years broke up with me almost 2 weeks ago. She said she wanted to be friends and all that and I was desperate to still have her in my life, so I thought I would give it a shot. Well long story short, I was feeling so bad and I wasn't getting over it at all, so I decided to go by the guide to NC and tell her how I felt and that I needed to get over this and to let me know if things changed.


    This was Monday night. So yesterday morning she had instant messaged me about some logistics...like when she was going to give me some of my stuff back. Well I kinda broke my NC right away because she seemed really upset. Basically she told me in a not nice way that she was really mad and that she hates me and wants me out of her life because of making the NC decision. What the heck did I do wrong? Or is this the normal thing for her to be going through?



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