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Posts posted by swertyqwerty

  1. i think you're a great guy..but we should just be friends; i dont really have time to 'go out' right now


    This was just now online. We went out last night and I thought we had a lot of fun. Does she really not have the time to go out with me or is she saying that to be nice?


    She IS in a sorority and she does have a full load of classes... but I did try scheduling a second date twice but both times she came up with reasons not to.


    I eventually just told her that if she was ever interested in going out that I'm always down and otherwise I'm glad we are still friends (which I'm really no )

  2. Yeah, i was going to wait for the next opportunity to do that. Also, she IM'ed me while i was at work


    [16:58] M: hey..im sorry whenever im online i never get a chance to talk to you


    I don't think this thread is necessary anymore. thank you for all that helped

  3. if it helps, I think this qualifies as her having interest in me.


    I met her on link removed and sent her a message. She didn't have a membership so she couldn't reply or read the message. What she did was google my link removed name and found my AIM address. She then IM'd me. I think that might count as something.

  4. I asked out a girl i was interested in to the movies last Sunday. A few hours after that, she said she couldn't go out because she has a sorority mtg. to go to. I just told her that we can reschedule and we can get to know each other until then.


    At first, we had good conversation and we sent each other texts. Since Monday though, she seems to be acting different. She didn't reply to the last text message I sent her a few days ago and hasn't sent me any yet and our conversations online have been about nothing and kept very short.


    I was wondering if she was losing interest in me, even after going out of her way to find my screen name, but she brought up that she was under a lot of anxiety because of all her work and she's been really stressed. Could this be the reason we aren't talking that much or did she genuinely lose interest in me?

  5. They say that 8 out of 10 women relate how the rest of the relationship is going to turn out based on the first kiss. I read this really great article a few months ago about how to make the first kiss perfect. I forgot how it went though.


    What is a perfect kiss? What would make that kiss soooo special that you wouldn't forget it for the rest of your life? What are your guys thoughts?

  6. I was not feeling well yesterday while I was at school . I decided to leave early and it just so happened that my ex was leaving at the same time. I take the bus to school every day which is about a 30 minute ride + 20 minute walk. It was an extremely hot day and could not stand it. I tried asking other people for a ride but they all seemed busy.


    Regretfully, I asked my ex to take me home. She told me that she couldn't because she wasn't going home (we live relatively close to each other, but she was going to her new BF's house).


    We ended up talking on the phone for 20 minutes, getting on each others nerves and saying things that would hurt each other.


    30 minutes later, she called me and apologized for being rude and she was sorry. I told her it was fine and I didn't really expect anything out of that conversation so I wasn't let down. she seemed a little sad and hung up.


    then I unblocked her on AIM and she messaged me. At first, she was doing her " * * * * *y towards the ex" attitude and tried her best to ridicule me, especially when I was talking to her about how the girl i asked out had a boyfriend. She even said


    ou: even when i asked carolina to the movies

    ou: she thought it was only a friend thing

    21: right

    21: i wonder why

    21: what do u think

    21: i mean why do you think that is?

    21: i mean they must not be attracted at all to u

    21: but why


    It eventually faded, like it always does, to the point where she feels bad that she did that and acts a little nicer. We talk as if we never separated. I sign off first online and she signs off 9 minutes later (I was only invisible).


    She calls me at midnight, sounding as if she was hurt or feeling bad. She called and said she just wanted to say g'night and hope you're feeling well (since I was still feeling sick). I said thank you and I really appreciate that coming from you. I tried my best not to show that I still think about her and care about her. That didn't work out too well because we ended up talking on the phone for an hour and thirty minutes. During that time, we nearly had phone sex (something we've done before while she was with her current bf), talked as if we were still together (or both of us not being * * * * *es to each other), I sang her to sleep, and hung up.


    If she ever does separate from her boyfriend, and i'm single, I would want to try our relationship over again. I know I shouldn't even be talking to her now. I know I have to take care of MY healing process before I consider talking to her. I also know that if I want her back, I shouldn't be acting the way I would be acting if we were together. If I acted like we were in a relationship while we were still friends, she would have no reason to be in a relationship with me.


    She hasn't been online yet and she hasn't called. I was going to start NC today, but I guess it doesn't matter since she started it. I guess I gave her too much that she doesn't have to use me for a long while.


    What are your opinions on why she's acting this way? Why does she stay on the phone for so long and allow me to do this to her when i broke up with her and when she has a new boyfriend?


    Oh, she just signed on. I wonder if she is going to message me.

  7. I also think you should ask her out in person. Afterall, you see her enough. Now, if you didn't see her very often, then I would e-mail her. Just be casual, and say, 'hey, want to go get coffee this weekend?"


    ya know, i tried that with someone else recently. I just casually asked if she wanted to go watch a movie on a certain day. Later on I found out that she has a boyfriend and didn't consider what I said to be a date.


    The way I worked it through, I can make sure it makes it seem like a date if I wrote it out online instead of tripping over my lines in person.

  8. I want to ask her out, but I have so much trouble dealing with face to face interaction when it comes to asking someone out that I asked for her email. I see her 5 times a day and when we talk, we do connect. I do know that I make her laugh. But we don't really get a chance to talk. We always manage to sit a few desks apart and we don't leave the classroom at the same time. We don't really have time to talk, except for a few minutes a day with the class filled with other people. It makes sense that I can't ask her out, right? There's no opportunity for me to ask her privately.


    So would it be okay if I sent her an email to ask her out on a date? And if I do ask her in an email, how should I ask her? Should I make the message long, should I mention why I didn't ask her in person, or should I send a few short emails first.

  9. At first I was doing really well with all my conversations, but lately I've been having a lot of trouble.


    Her name is Carolina and she is in my Spanish class. We sit next to each other and we have conversations. Today though, I could barely keep a conversation going. I used the excuse that I stayed up all night, but there were times during our conversations where she kept saying "what?" because she couldn't hear or understand me. One of the biggest pet peeves I have is people who don't understand me when I'm talking. It's not their fault, but it annoys me. I'm soft spoken and hard to understand sometimes. When that happens though I feel self conscious and don't know what else to do cause I'm getting tongue tied and tripping on words.


    I hate it when they say what. I hate it so much. I just wish I had a better accent.


    What am I supposed to do and how should I make up for this horrible day of barely talking to her?


    When it happens, it gets worse and worse and I get more self conscious. I know what it's like to be confident, and I was yesterday. I kept the conversation going like nothing. Once it starts though... I just mess up.


    I don't know how to keep conversations going and how to keep them interested. I fear that when we go to the movies, we'll stay quiet the whole time. I realllllly hope the movie gives us a lot to talk about.


    I just don't know how to talk to girls without making it seem like its an interview.

  10. Telling an ex you still love that her current boyfriend is cheating on her might not be the best idea. She might take it the wrong way, as in she might think that you are trying to break them apart. It's possible she thinks that the only reason you are telling her this is because you hold some sort of resentment against her and are jealous of this new guy. Although that may not be true in this case, there might not be anything you can do about it. Leave it alone, she will eventually find out. I mean, the guy was silly enough to go dancing with another girl the night before. Also, it isn't any obligation of yours to tell her anything anymore. If you are going to do NC, you have to stick with it. Don't give yourself another excuse to talk to her.

  11. So the girl that I'm in to right now gave me her number on Thursday after I asked for it. She went to Vegas with a bunch of her girlfriends. I was wondering if I should call her and see how her trip was going or wait until she got back. We see each other in class monday through friday so I could sort of ask about it then, but i thought she would notice that I was interested if I actually called her while she was on her trip.


    So I called her. *dun dun DUN* and I get to her answering machine. I really didn't expect this scenario for some reason and had trouble leaving a message. I simply said


    "Hey C, this is H. I was just calling to see how your trip was going and stuff. I was just hanging out and wanted to see how you were doing. Alright, if you want you can call me back. I'll talk to you later. Bye"


    I'm not sure if that was such a great message to leave. I hope it was though.


    Another thing I forgot to tell her about is that I can't send or receive text messages. I noticed in class that she texted a lot of people so maybe she texted me or something but I don't know whether she did or not.


    Did I make the right decision by calling her? Also, was the message I left any good? What comes next? I'm really new to this and I have no experience calling someone I barely know and talking to them (All the relationships I've had before started with IM conversatoins.)

  12. I've known her since Janurary 8th. While we were talking about the test outside of class, I asked if she would mind giving me her phone number. She said yeah yeah of coruse. I said "oh, you DO mind!" in a sort of comic way and she laughed. Anyway, we exchanged numbers.


    Now the next thing I'm sort of nervous about is actually calling and talking to her. When is the right time to call? What do we talk about? How long should the conversation last? Should I ask her if I can call her before I actually do?


    Also, the idea of putting my arms around someone else kind of scares me. Do I really have to do this or is just a whatever thing? And how do I know if she's uncomfortable with it. If she is, how do I react?


    Ack. I've figured it out though. I know why I'm so scared to ask someone out on a date. In my past experience, I've never really asked anyone on a date or asked for anyone's number. Seriously. I've had a long relationship that just ended, but I never really asked for her number or anything. It was all sort of forced upon me, which was really weird. I guess I'm just so used to having everything delivered to me that I'm just spoiled rotten and don't know how to do any of the work. In the words of an infamous class mate... "I have to step up my game, dawg."


    This is the first time I've ever asked anyone for their number in the form of seriously going out on a date with them. I don't know what comes next. I don't know what people talk about on the phone when they do call. I don't know what first dates are like and I don't know when the right time to kiss is. I'm so scared that I have to actually make this up as I go along that it's kind of scary.

  13. Find a scary movie that's playing, even if it's an oldie in a small theatre, find out times etc...do the prep.


    Then say to her something like "I saw that 'Night of the scary stuff' (or whatever) is showing on (insert day here) and was thinking of checking it out, you fancy coming along, see if we can't change your mind about scary flicks?"


    Hahaha. I tried convincing her that scary movies arent all that bad but she explained to me that she once ran out of the ring because it was too scary.


    So anyway, I asked what she was doing for the weekend. As I feared she said that she was busy. Apparently going to watch a J.T. concert with her friends in vegas. She asked what I was doing. I told her that I wanted to go watch a movie this Saturday and was wondering if she would like to come along. She said that she would but she can't (but i'm taking this as a good sign). I told her maybe next weekend and she said yeah. I hope Pan's Labryinth isn't too gory for her


    So yes, we're definitely going to go watch a movie. Two problems though. I assume that I'm going to have to ask her for her phone number soon. I tried doing this after class but couldn't muster up the courage to ask her plus we were talking about the quiz we just took. Is there any good time to ask her for her number or should I just blurt it out? And if so, how should I ask? Second, how do I make it apparent that I want to go on a date and not just a friends thing? It turns out that the many times I have asked someone out to the movie, they merely took it as a friends only situation.

  14. I recently started winter intersession at my community college. I was hoping to meet some new people that I might like. Thankfully, there is one person that did catch my attention.


    I want to ask her out, but I don't if she has a boyfriend or if she thinks i'm interesting. I'm hoping someone could help me out here.


    We just had a conversation today about classes and about movies. She said that she was going to take Art History 1B next semester. When I told her I was taking it next semester too, I decided to ask her if she wanted to take it with me and she said "yeah".


    We were talking about movies after that "since she was talking about her theatre arts calss" and i asked her if she liked scary movies. She told me she didn't like them because they scare her. In an attempt to find out if she had a boyfriend or not, I told her "that's what a boyfriend is for, so you can grab them whenever something scares you". I didn't really get much of a response from it though


    Anyway, I was thinking about asking her to the movies on Saturday night. I really am a shy guy, but this is an attempt to cure that mentality. How should I say it? So far I've come up with asking her if she was doing anything this weekend. If she said no, I would have asked if she wanted to hang out and watch a movie on saturday or something. Also, should I try to make it seem like a date? I need help with this, please guys. Thanks

  15. yeah, i thought it might be something like that. What rotten timing too. I would like to ask her out again and see where this would go, but I think that if it didn't work out than it would just completely ruin our friendship.


    So while I was trying to find her past post about the feelings she's developed for someone else that she's never had before, I realize that she deleted the entry. And I recently tried calling her, but she didn't pick up so I just left a message. She still hasn't called back. Of course, this is the first time I've called her in a long while, but she usually picks up the first time I call or calls back relatively soon.


    I really hope this is all in my head though. As much as I would like to go out with her, I'm already going out with someone else. She's also such a great friend and I don't want anything getting in between that.

  16. Actually, it's been a long time since I had those feelings for her. I've been going out with T for 22 months and she hasn't said anything all those months, although C probably resented T because T didn't want me spending time or talking to C (understandable, since I WAS in love with her at one point).


    It's the first time since I told her how I felt that we're both single now. I'm not sure if she has feelings for me now. She's been acting weird. She made an LJ entry about how she had new feelings for someone she's known for a few years. Even if it's not me, it's just not classically her character to make those kind of entries.

  17. I recently made an entry on livejournal about how I'm going out on a date this Wednesday with someone I'm really in to.


    C, my friend, leaves a comment saying "Dude. Can you at least call me or tell me all about this on AIM?"


    A little history about us. A few years ago, I was in love with C. She didn't feel the same way about me. We stay friends and we have the occasional talk (nothing too serious, just general stuff) and we're just friends.


    What I don't get is why she asked to tell her about my new friend on AIM. We are barely involved in each other's life anymore and I didn't think she would be interested in that part of my life.


    Also, I have tried planning twice to see a movie with C (just as friends), but both times something came up and we weren't able to hang out. Maybe she's a little jealous that I'm taking someone else to the movies instead of her?

  18. I suppose I should be getting ready right now. One of my friends who I've been hanging out and going to the movies with just invited me to her house with her family for a christmas party. I'm really nervous because this is going to be the first time that I am at her house and the first time I would meet anyone in her family.


    I never took what she did with me seriously. We've been going to the movies once a week for a month now, but I know that she has a lot of guy friends. I don't take it as a sign that she is interested in me. However, i'm the only friend she invited to her house. I know that I have some feelings for her and may want to be in a relationship with her, but I never got any signs that said she wanted to be with me except maybe for this.


    We've been friends for a year now and we never really hung out. About 3 months ago at a party we were both at, we were both drunk and made out with each other. We didn't talk for a while and never brought it up but we recently started talking again a month ago. Since then, I would pick her up after work and we'd go watch a movie at least once a week.


    I never noticed this until now, but I realized that everytime we went to the movies it was always us two and I always had to pay for her.


    Anyway, I'm not sure why I'm saying any of this. I'm probably just stalling so I don't have to go to the party yet, but what do you guys think?

  19. Alright, so we have been no contact for a while. I told her that I'm pretty inclinced to not talking to her for a while. She was extremely upset and hurt that I said that. She asked me how far this'll go and I told her that I'm taking her out of my AIM, Myspace, Phonebook, and everything else. We have no mutual friends so i all aspects of my life are going to be completely private to her. She asked me how long this is going to last, and I told her that if she ever wanted to get back in a relationship with me she should contact me and see if I feel the same. That's how we ended it.


    Honestly, a friendship with her isn't good enough for me. I either want it all or nothing at all.


    You know what, I've been feeling better lately and I've been able to get my mind off of her. I'm so glad because I've been doing terrible at work before and now I feel really good.


    There's only one question I have. She's been telling me how much she loves me and how the only thing preventing her from being with me is him. But do you think she'll actually contact me if she breaks up with her current BF? And if she doesn't and I still want her in my life, should I contact her?

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