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Everything posted by softballcym

  1. I am a 17 year old senior. I don't do drugs, I don't drink, I don't have sex, I don't party. I get good grades in school and I have a good job for right now. My parents however don't believe anything I say. My dad has set up cameras around the outside of the house so he can keep watch on it all the time. He reads all of my messages on AIM and my email and I have no idea how he does it. He will most likely read this as well. They judge all my friends before they even get to know them. I can't even talk to them anymore because they assume way too much. I am too scared to ask them to do anything because it's so hard to get a yes out of them and they also usually think I am not even going to go and do what I said. I pretty much sit at home everyday unless I am at work. I am afraid that if they don't let me go and live my life a little bit now I will go crazy in college doing everything I "missed" out on doing. Any advice on what I could do? I am desperate...
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