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Posts posted by strwberryshortcke

  1. What I meant by my statement 'broaden you're kaleidoscope,' was to expand you're your line of thinking.


    You say that yes, some attractive guys approach you or visa versa but there's no 'click,' that instant chemistry… you can't always expect that spark right off the bat. Things of this nature usually take time to develop, and if lucky, can even be fantastic.


    The point I'm making is, don't expect too much all at once, because if you do, you could loose out on that special someone…and wouldn't that be a kick in the * * *!


    I do however, no that yes, some people just don't ever develop chemistry and that's ok. There's lots of significant other's out there waiting to be snatched…you just have to be patient.


    Believe me, I'm the type of girl to 'wash her hands' if things aren't going my way…but I found by giving it a chance that there was something 'lurking behind the shadows.' I'm not saying I've had success every time, that's just impossible…but what is possible is a potential relationship you never thought could happen.


    Try it, you might just surprise yourself...but don't go for second best either, put you're love to the test!

  2. No, it's logical that love takes time...


    I've been in many predicaments where I fall totally head over heals for a guy...I become absoultly smitten. This is simply infatuation, a strong one. If I have the hots for someone it can last a very, very long time. This provokes me to have feelings of jealousy, possessiveness, and even hostility. This doesn't mean it's love though because it's natural for somebody to feel protective toward someone they feel extremely attracted too.


    I like to be in control, and when I finally loose that control... I'll know it's more than a feeling.

  3. I'm a gorgeous girl and find myself in the same predicament. I have no success getting together with guys. I think the problem is I am looking for a certain thing and I haven't found that yet... I'm not the type of girl to settle for second best, so I'm always searching for something better...and it usually means you miss what's right in front of you all along.

  4. I fall head-over heels for a guy that's a little messy on top. I love a guy that looks reckless or wild, it's such a turn on! I also go for the clean-cut look as well because it gives the impression that, that guy takes care of themselves.


    On the other side of the coin, I dislike guys with long hair, afro's...or anything that remotely resembles a shag, or even worse, no hair what-so-ever... The worst of the worst though, is a guy that uses to much product too keep his hair in place...or doesn't bother to wash it at all...


    My biggest pet peeve out of all of them though, is guy who would be drop dead gorgeous...only if they stopped hiding their face and get their hair touched up once in a awhile...it's really sad sometimes...

  5. I am always getting approached by guys who in my mind, are absolutely, well...ugly! The point here is, if you're good catch any guy will try too approach you...and yes, even the ugly ones.


    The fact is, everyone is attracted to all things beautiful. And nothing is more pleasing to the eyes of a man than a gorgeous girl and visa versa...no matter what their appearance may be. Now, it may seem like only unattractive men take interest in you, but all you have to do is broaden your kaleidoscope. That is, start noticing everything around you instead of the things that you find unappealing...in this case men.


    I myself, used to do this and sometimes it made me question my appearance more than once. Though I came to realize that I brought it upon myself and once I opened my eyes...the results were marvelous. I broadened my kaleidoscope and found that a variety of guys were checking me out...and boy some were gorgeous!


    Believe me, if you do this you'll be damn surprised at just how many guys are looking at you from head to toe...both kinds.

  6. I am so honest with my friends, that sometimes it hurts, well them at least...


    I am a brutally honest person and I don't hold nothing back...especially when it comes to my opionons/views/jugdements. Needless to say, I have a very good friend in your position and she hears it always from me, and asks me to 'help her' to get back on track. Though she makes my job hard when she goes and buy's poutine for lunch...like a week's worth!


    But yes, I would and I do and I expect the same from my firends when I ask them questions about myself, that's what friends are for, to tell you all your flaws and not-so-nice qualities...


    However, all sarcasim aside...I think it's important that friends tell you the truth...even though you don't want to hear, it shows they care.

  7. I had a friend of six years who did this constantly. I learned to live with it, but deep down it disgusted me because everything that came out of her moth was mostly b.s..or an 'extended' version to her story.


    I just stopped listening and we grew apart due to differences and the overall maturity process. The sad part is, she believed every word of her own b.s...I guess she always had to come out on top, like impress me...but in the end it repelled me.


    So basically, if your friend does this, I'd say he most likely has confidence or personal issues regarding acceptance or love...and if I'm in the total wrong...he's just a compulsive liar and it won't stop.


    Believe me, the only way it does...is to stop listening...and stop being friends.

  8. When it's all said and done, it's all about how the colour's worn and not the actual colour itself...


    I myself, am a brunette, but dye my hair all the time. I've been around and tried it all; from Marylin Monroe to Anne-Margaret to Elizabeth Taylor. That is, I've been a blonde, a redhead, and a black-haired beauty. Though, after all those times, red takes the cake. In short, what I'm trying to say is it all depends on your colouring/features/assets. And for me, red always makes me drop-dead grogeous...to both sexes, it's irresistible.


    As for men, I usually go for darker hair...and beautiful brown eyes...to match my own. But I'm always willing to make *some* exceptions...

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