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Everything posted by garymon

  1. There is no attraction to him...Its just that she feels bad for him...and she is also french and they have a different culture there, So i don't even know why I feel insecure...
  2. Hi, I'm having this problem...I usually don't have problems with women, until I met this one...she is great...and maybe thats why I'm having problems... I've been seeing this girl for about 2 months now and we really like each other alot...I met her through one of my best friends which is a guy...They were good friends before I even met her...So I meet her and we start spending alot of time together and doing fun stuff in our relationship, it is also sexually active...But my problem is and maybe its stupid, but it seems that me and my friend get tied up together where its just us 3 doing stuff, and now its kind of akward...She is french and is very friendly...she holds his hand sometimes and kisses him on the cheek and rarley on the lips, but thats when we are really drunk...And I know the reason is that she thinks he feels lonely and does not have anyone...she told me that...He has recently been seeing a girl and it hasn't been working out to well for him...so this is what i'm talking about...Do you think i'm being ridiculous? I honestly think I am just a tidy bit insecure but I just want to get someone elses advice... Thanks
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