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Everything posted by modestmouseownsyou

  1. well, i've known this girl for about 3 years. we were just aquaintances and i never saw her much until this year, which was my senior year of high school. well, anyway, i asked her if she wanted to hang out last weekend, and i got her number. I called over the weekend to no avail, but she called me back the following week and said she would call me when she doesnt have to work (because she works a lot). well, she hasnt called back since, but she came over and said hi at our senior picnic and i started some small talk, and i told her how her parents sounded like they hate me on the phone, and she laughed and said not to worry about it. then she left but she said she'd be back and we could hang out later. i left also, and i didnt come back in time, because the part was over. so here is my question: is this girl just hard to get a hold of? or is she avoiding me and wasting my time? im pretty sure i know the answer, but i want some opinions.
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