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Posts posted by MessedUpInHead

  1. My heart tells me he would never hurt me. We have such an intense bond.. we have been together for five years, since we were both 15.


    It just seems that these days it is becoming more natural to seek comfort in sex when things are becoming tough in relationships.


    I know i worry too much all the time.


    I just am scared i guess, about the whole lifetime thing.


    if you are scared why have you waited 5 years...obviously you love him & he loves you.


    are you having urges or thoughts on your part & thinking he's having the same?



    She only 19, MATURITY hasn't hit her yet about future and all that...you'll be back her in less than 6 months crying again that you found out she did it again!

  3. TALK TO HER...don't yell or argue...if she startes yelling & can't TALK normailly then treat her like a w.hore and kick her to the curb...maybe then she'll realize she's in lala land or realize she's happier without you.


    either way you'll get better soon since right now i'm sure its killing you knowing all this stuff is happening in the house where you also live.

  4. Don't beat yourself up for sleeping with him. That said, he's under no obligation to call you.


    I had the best date ever last month and... no call. It happens, for whatever reason. Just enjoy the time you had together and don't stress too much.


    another negative part...maybe he thought the sex wasn't as good or no chemistry on his end.


    either way, ignore him & go fishing again.

  5. no matter how good a date is, a guy will always remember if he slept with you within the first couple dates. men are stupid like that since they realized they got what they needed with no challenge. next time even though it feels awesome never sleep on the 1st or 2nd date, seriously.

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