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  1. Thank you all. I'm still tring to think. I am younger than him. I just got to talk to him about everything. That's my plan for right now.
  2. Hm... I don't really know how to say this. I just kind of want to know how I should act. My boyfriend and I have been dating for a while. A few months back he said to me that he wouldn't mind saying "I do" to you. He's mentioned marrage a few times with me. We both dont want to right now just because we've been in this kind of situation before. Now he's saying he doesn't think he ever wants to get married. He's mentioned before a few times that he wants to be with me forever. He mentions that he never wants to have kids either. I want to get married one day again and have children. I love this guy a whole heck of a lot and he knows it. I'm not sure though if he still loves me the same. He say's he loves me but it's hard for me to tell now anymore. Why did he say one thing to me and then change it? he's talking about moving next year but I have a feeling that he doesnt want to take me... I give him the freedom he needs and lets him go out alone and do his own thing. I've done a lot for him he's also said that to me too. I'm just a little confused now... am I just kind of freaking out? Or just a little paranoid? Right now I'm just in the stage of "what should I do?" I do plan on staying in the relationship but I'm just scared of what may happen...
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