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Everything posted by hcpd422

  1. I dont know. I mean she has friends in class that she could've invited, too. I think what Ill do is this on Monday "Hey, do you wanna hang out at the library before class on Wednesday?" If she gives a negative response like she can't, Ill say something to the effect of "God, you're a hard person to meet up with." and leave it at that and just not talk to her again. Hopefully, she'll say yes though.
  2. She's hard to read. When we were talking one on one at the library that one time, I seriously got the vibe that she was interested. She was laughing, smiling, sharing glances then looking way quickly. She even reached her hand out to show me a question once. I was thinking of touching her hand but figured it might pook her. I tried talking to her one day after class and she literally disappeared. I teased her about it by sending a message on facebook to the effect of "Hey..I had a question for you after class but you literally disappeared when I turned around. You gotta teach me how to do that sometime." Her reply was this exactly- "What's the question?" So I waited a day or two to ask her about studying that one Wednesday. That's when she said "Umm sure. Do you want to invitite anyone else from class because our class isnt exactly the best in the spanish department." So after meeting up with her that Wednesday morning, I teased her about the disappearing. She laughed and said that she usually has a lot of stuff to do after class. In terms of the turning down, her tone the first time was almost regretful "Like hey..I cant I have work." The second was very hard to read because while I had her talking about some random stuff related to class, I couldnt get a good read because I was so nervous. I mean, I did kinda ask her last minute and she was on working out on a bike. I know personally that I don't want to have lengthy convos while working out. So I dont know if I can just chalk it up to a bad time with too short notice.
  3. Hey guys. Thanks for helping me out with this one. This is my first visit to the site and I hope to come back often! Here's my dilemma- I met a cute girl in class about 2 weeks ago. I had checked her out since day one of course but the teacher finally put us together. This was a Monday. I finally got to know her name but I was SHY. I listed her as a friend on facebook (College networking site) and we occasionally message back and forth. We had a quiz coming up and I sent her a message if she wanted to study beforehand at the Library. She accepted but wanted me to invite others, too. I didn't of course saying no one could make it! We chatted for 50 minutes only talking about work for literally 2. We shared chuckles and smiles and every so often, we made eye contact and she'd look away smiling. I thought it went well. Basically, she gets to class after I do so I rarely get to talk to her. She also leaves like super fast so I actually have to pack up before class is over to talk to her. So very rarely get a chance to talk during class. Next Monday, I caught up to her after class and asked her if she wanted to study Tuesday night for our exam but she said she couldnt - was working. Which I found out was true. We talked for like 3 minutes before going our separate ways. That Thursday, I was working and was going to be on campus all night. I saw her at the gym on an exercise bike and I approached her. She was listening to her Ipod and I asked how her test went. We talked for a minute and I said "Hey. Im gonna be on campus tonight cuz im working. Wanna hang out at the commons (student union) or something?" She said "No I cant- I actually have a friend over". I dunno if this is true or not but who make something like that up? I've tried playing the "let's just meet up and do something casual game" and "lets ask her last minute to think Im busy" game but no luck here guys. Here's my plan - this Monday at class, get to her and ask if she just wants to hang out Wednesday before class (we dont have any homework or test that day). IF she says no, say something like "well, you're really hard to meet up. What's a good time then?" If she says yes, great and I plan on saying "Hey my friend Kenny and htis girl are going bowling next Wednesday night. You wanna come?" Do you guys think this is a good strategy and do you think she's into me and just shy and busy (I mean I have given her like 2 days notice both times she had to turn me down!). On her profile page of (facebook), she says and I quote "Im a shy girl but once you get to know me, Im really fun." Do you think she's being shy with me or uninterested?
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