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Posts posted by super_dave0001

  1. wow that was sum powerful stuff, makes sense tho... my friends have bin telling me to just ignore her now, make her feel like u dont care and eventually she will come back, n if she does come back wanting me that i have to really make sure about it.....n to set the rules, cause she is just stringing me around now

  2. cant say I know what her motivation for this was, but maybe she is just bored... it can happen. I would ask her if there is anyone else... if there is then you know you can just move on, and forget hope of a future with her.


    If she really is just bored, then give her some space, and tell her you love her still, and you hope she will call when she wants to talk.


    i asked her that, she says no, n i do believe her .... i had doubts... im just wondering i mean 6 years then she says see ya later ill talk to u when im ready? wuts up with that... she took me to portugal last summer to meet her whole family.... it dosent make any sense... she will probably date other guys and realise again she made a mistake, and thats when shes gonna try to talk to me

  3. ok im new to this site, seems like a helpful place to be to help let things burn...

    ok i dated my ex for 6 months, we broke up cause we didnt see eachother enough according to her... she dated another guy but they had there probs, she kept calling him my name and other things...they broke up. 2 months later we got back togther and went steady for 6 years, on friday september 8th. im at her place, she says she wants to talk... she starts saying how shes bored and everything is a rutien with us, she dosent feel connected to me as a lover.. more like friends, that threw me way off..... i pleeded my case and said why dont we try to fix this, we've delt with worse so she said ok gimme time to think about it, 2 days go by, and she gives me the answer of its not gonna work out i need time alone, i want to be by myself for a bit, at this point im balling my eyes out to the point where i couldnt breathe... so she tells me after that she wants to remain friends but she wants her space for the time being... she dosent want to talk to me at all until its best for her i guess u could say.....


    i dunno wut i did wrong she clams i did nothing wrong, she said it wasnt me it was her, which i think is b.s. cause she said she was bored and it was rutien, so obviously that means i wasnt spontanious enough.... i guess wut my question is.. is whats going through her head? is she just tryn to make me feel better by saying she wants to be friends but when its right for her? but in the end shes just really shutn me out completely? is there a chance she will come back to me to try to make it work again? if she does is it worth it to take her back for a 3rd time?


    my feelings r so strong for her i cry every night, and i tryed talking to her monday, i told her i thought about her all day at work, and i asked her if she thought about me at all, she said "nope"..... thats wut completely crushed wut was left of my heart.... wether she was lyeing about that or not regardless it hurt to hear it, im so confused and dont no wut to do anymore....i really want to be with her i had a proposal planned and we both told eachother countless times we were forever no matter wut..... sorry if this is a little long but i dunno wut to do, this was my first serious realationship


    thx for any advice n help in advance...

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