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Posts posted by WhyteSkaii

  1. Well here's an excerpt from cosmopolitan. "When your date's eyes are open for the mouth-to-mouth, he's totally in the moment. Because unlike women--who often prefer to close their eyes and really feel the connection-- men are visual creatures when it comes to sex." i don't know if that helps but i thought it was pretty interesting.

  2. just be yourself. "i defintly do not want to make them think i cant handle seeing them as its not exactly my place to get all upset since we are broken up." Acting any other way that is out of the ordinary makes you seem suspicious. Just have fun and try to not worry about them so much and just worry about yourself. Night out with the girls sounds fun lol.

  3. Well, she did not reply for ages UNTIL just about towards the end of my lunch break when she text messaged me again! Quote "Thanks for the advice...btw, I was with your office colleague just now at the mall and she said she saw you there..." YIKES! I mean I guess she knows what I look like but I have no idea what she looks like. This was so CREEPY. I feel indirectly stalked....


    Lol. I would probably feel uncomfortable as well, but as long as she isn't really trying anything then there isn't too much of a problem? Other than that maybe it was just a coincidence that they were there. As mentioned if she does want to hook up with you then you could tell her that you're just not interested. lol just becareful that she doesn't end up outside your doorstep or looking into your windows with a knife >_>.

  4. ...and a guy who can cook is a big bonus in my books.


    lol pretty big bonus in my book too seeing as i can't really cook myself, but don't worry about it lol. I have a straight friend who liked to cook, he actually made cookies and a cheesecake before. If it's your passion and you enjoy it then don't think much of it. As you said they do have a lot of male chefs out there, you can be the next big one

  5. it was her idea, but i think its the dumbest thing. If every relationship ended when the first problem arose, how would there be any relationships?


    I think you're on the right track. It does seem pretty ludicrous if it were like that. Afterall how perfect and happy can a relationship be if there is no changes and it is all constant. I think you might have answered your own question as this point. What it all comes down to is she just didn't seem geniunely interested in you, and this break or break up that you guys have taken is a perfect opportunity for you to think things through as to whether you really want to be in a relationship where she puts her friends above you and would do the things she did with another guy.

  6. It is quite possible. Me and my friend were in the situation where i couldn't be with her and we actaully became best of friends now. we moved on and she knows i'll never develop those feelings for her. However, I agree with "I think the best way is to give each other space and go NC for a while. It doesn't mean you can't ever be friends again but wait until each other have readjusted to their new lives and have their independent strength back." That space and time is required if you want to keep a friendship going. As the old saying goes "time heals all wounds." After a while when you both move on and lose intimate feelings for one another. You can decide to talk to each other again. Hope i Made sense lol. its actually late so im like yeah.. lol

  7. I believe you should tell him the truth as to why you feel threatened. That the things they talk about are a bit perverse, how you don't think that it is acceptable and how you are jealous. If he cares for you he'll understand and make an effort to talking to her less. If not then the best thing i'd have to advise you to do, is think things through as to whether or not you really want to be in that relationship where he doesn't understand and isn't willing to compromise.

  8. "Plus this is just an online thing and shouldn't be all that important or a problem to let go of."

    If it bothers you, it is important. Atleast i like to think that way lol. But If he asks why just tell him that you feel threathened by her. Tell him what you think about everything if you think there is suspiscion on the friendship between him and the girl just talk to him about it. Honesty is the best policy at that point

  9. It made me mad that several times when she emailed him she would ask about me and he would specifically answer every question she had but not say one word about me. It was like he just ignored that part.


    That's not good. But I agree with you that perhaps after you tell her that you guys are busy that she might just keep messaging you. She seems to be very persistent. However, if you really have no choice you might just have to confront him like Grand said. Tell him about how the emails kind of make you uncomfortable. If he understands he'll try to talk to her less or even cut ties. Until that time comes though you shouldn't worry about it. Take one small step at a time. Worry about it when the problem arises you know what i mean?

  10. i would say you are somewhat attracted to him. Seeing as jealousy is something that we get when we don't want to share something we value. And you don't have to want to spend 24/7 with someone to like them lol. I actually find that quite suffocating sometimes. It might just be a simple crush but i'm for certain you do have feelings for him.

  11. I agree you should let her know that you are interested however i do not believe this is the best time to do it. seeing as she is having problems with another guy. I also agree that you shouldn't just cut contact out of the blue because it will make her feel as if something is wrong and she might feel bad about it. She is probably in a vunerable state at the moment and you don't want to test that. However, you should keep in mind to just keep things platonic between the two of you. Don't think that now you have a chance as that will only cause you to get your hopes up and even misinterpret things sometimes. It's not a nice thing. Just try to keep things neutral at the moment if you feel that you have absolutely no choice then cutting ties with her would be a wise decision. Good luck to you.

  12. If you said that you guys are busy you can't really be blamed for any kind of fault. If the conversation comes up just talk to him about how you think you guys just don't have time for her in your opinion and that it might be better if you guys just talk to her less. Just don't mention the emails as it might rouse up some trouble.

  13. Does looking at internet porn once in awhile considered an addiction? My gf clicked on the history tab on my computer and saw that i have logged in to some sites a few times and got really upset and hurt. It never interferes with us or affects our time together, in fact, it helps spice up our lovemaking. But I think having a profile, especially with nude photos, is really overdoing it and outright wrong IMO.


    Watching porno isn't something wrong, it's actually a pretty natural and accepted thing depending on the person that perceives it of course. Also, i wouldn't consider you to be addicted to porn if its just from time to time. An addiction is an addiction when it interferes with your daily life and you can't focus on anything because all you think about is what you are addicted to. This goes for any type of addiction out there. so unless it bothers you're everyday life and activities i wouldn't give to much thought into it. However, you might want to talk to your girlfriend about it and help her understand that it is a natural thing and there isn't really anything wrong with it. She might not be afraid that you're addicted to porn more rather she might feel threatened that you have to look at it. Like perhaps she isn't good enough for you. So just talk to her about it and good luck to you



    Email the girl, let her know you are both fine but that you would like it if she stopped contact. When she asks why? tell her you are both busy and think it would be best this way.


    It's tough, but you've put yourself at risk no matter what now. The reason I say email the girl is; well, she seems persistent. She might just slip an email past you or call one day or something else silly.


    good luck


    Or do what grand said lol that might work. However, as she they also stated the teenage girl is persistent so it might be a problem. Good luck to you though

  15. Snooping is one thing, though i believe it is wrong i do think it is justifiable at times. However, you should confront him on it instead of deleting the messages because that somewhat makes you seem like the bad guy. Also, if you go back to square one at least it won't be as bad seeing as if it were me and you deleted things without telling me i'd probably be furious regardless if i did something wrong. Right now you don't want it so that he can pin something like that on to your shoulders. Instead give it time and talk to him about it. If you honestly cna't trust him and he doesn't understand that it upsets you. You might want to reconsider as to how your relationship is at the moment.

  16. I believe you really did answer the question yourself lol. If you really have such a hard time talking to her about yourself or anything for that matter how well of friends can you guys be. Not to mention friends do not do things to hurt each other. By saying that she tries to destroy your image, and would make up lies about you to smite you is a pretty devious thing to do. Perhaps her parents put so much pressure on her by comparing the two of you so much that she feels threatened and that's why she feels happy to know that you're not perfect. Doesn't matter, that absolutely doesn't justify her actions and she seems to only care about herself from the way you put it. I wouldn't advise you to really be close to her. A simple friendship or Aquaintenceship perhaps but i honestly wouldn't recommend caring much about someone like her.

  17. I think you did just fine. One of my girlfriends(female friends) does that sometimes. She'll call when she's feeling down and just cry her heart out and vent out her depression and anger. They don't really need you to answer back with advice. However, by showing that you are listening by going uh-huh and whatever else that shows you are intentive to what she is saying helps her out because it shows that you care. Sometimes just knowing that someone is on the other side listening to what you have to say is enough to make her happy. So don't worry so much about what to say back just make sure you really are listening to them because during that time they are vulnerable and if you only pretend to listen and they ask for your perspective on things and you have no idea what she is saying, she'll only end up feeling worse.

  18. I wouldn't keep dating anyone once I found out they had naked photos online. looking at porn is one thing, but advertising yourself is another....


    I have to agree with this. Looking at porn is one thing but actually sending photos of yourself to others and commenting others is a pretty dirty thing to do seeing as he's already in a relationship. You do not however have to put pictures of yourself up to smite him. As they say 2 wrongs do not make a right. If you talked to him about how much it upsets you and he shrugs it off like it's nothing you should reconsider is this a person you really want in your life. He doesn't seem to care all that much about you and your feelings about his actions. A relationship is about mutual respect and compromise it shouldn't be one ended. However, it is your relationship and i wish you the best of luck on how you decide to handle it.

  19. I agree with DN, it wasn't really right to have snopped through his stuff and delete the messages without his consent though i would assume that was the point. However, you should have tried talking to him about it first and how uncomfortable it made you feel. As for everything at hand I would have to say you got yourself into a tight spot and by ignoring her if one day she gets ahold of your boyfriend i fear things might be horrible. It might just be best to answer her and keep a friendship going for a while and say everything is ok and if anything about the emails come up you can perhaps act like you don't know about it and say maybe he never received them. however, next time i would have to advise you not to go around and acting reckless and talk to him about the situation at hand instead. Perhaps after the email thing blows over you can talk to the girl about the situation though i'm not sure how the whole snooping thing will go out hope i helped in the least bit of way

  20. I agree with candy, you should stop looking at her myspace. Obsessing over someone that you don't even know and getting mad over it isn't really something i'd advise. lol. I also agree that you should live in the present and forget about the past. What should matter is that you are currently with him, and you're letting your jealousy and frustrations get the better of you and him. By getting mad at him for something he didn't do is a bit meaningless. You only end up damaging the current relationship you hold with him because he might not understand why you are even mad at him to begin with. If you still succumb to your feelings of jealousy about his ex. arises. Perhaps you can talk to him about it and find out why he isn't with her anymore. Maybe this will give you the reassurance you need to overcome this obstacle.

  21. What do you work as exactly? Why would she keep asking you about cars honestly lol that makes no sense. As far as the two of them I believe it would be most wise to just tell them that is enough is enough and that you're just not interested in a fix up. If you can help her with her car then you might strike up the notion to tell her while you help her though by being nice you might just mix her signal >_> it's up to you whether you help her or not lol. But remember something don't sugar coat anything lol. That seems to always backfire as people tend to misinterpret these messages. Just be honest and tell her or them that you're simply just not interested and you'll find someone on your own terms and you don't need their help.

  22. Lol. I can totally relate to the whole my family thinks it's gross thing.i have times when i want to tell my mom about myself, but whenever the subject of gays pops into the conversation she talks about how gross it is. My family is a super religious family that believe its a sin though my mom thinks that people who are different have some sort of sickness or illness in the head.As for my brother he's never there for me -_- he's always out or in his room he's pretty much secluded from the family not to mention the black sheep of the family so i doubt i would ever tell him. Anyways that's not the point. However, I do agree with the Idea that you don't have to come out with it until you're ready, and sorry to hear about your 2 guy friends. But we can be your friends lol. As far as the guy from work eh you shouldn't be afraid of making friends with the same sex. For a while in my life i thought just like that. I would seclude myself from others and even promise myself i wouldn't make friends with guys because im scared of getting into a friendship that perhaps it might just end up getting more intimate than i would anticipate. But recently i made friends with a guy he's pretty down to earth, nice, pretty cute, except he's straight lol but he seems accepting and always knows how to brighten my day. He suspects that im gay lol though i deny it since im actually Bi so w/e, but on to the main point. Don't worry about getting to know him it doesn't have to end up with a relationship. Go for friendship first if things don't work out then theres only like billions and billions of other people in the world. I hope i made sense its pretty early/late for me right now lol so i'm just rambling on but yeah hope i helped Feel free to PM me anytime if you need to talk about how you're feeling or if you just want a friend

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