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Everything posted by Anon1

  1. The past few days have been possibly the worst in my life.. I recently was forced to move out of home due to bad circumstances. Myself and my fiance' who i have been with for 3+ years found a place to call our own, and started to settle in about a month ago. Everything was going great, we were buying things for the house, settling in and just generally doing everything you do when you finally move in together. Now my fiance' had been saying we needed our own place for about a year, and everything seemingly was fine up until three nights ago.. I come home and she is upset, and comes straight out and tells me she feels like she needs to be alone. She says she feels like she might be missing out on something, and she needs to do this to find out who she really is on her own...She needs to be alone to find herself. She says the last 3 years have been incredible and she doesnt know where this feelings coming from...She says she still loves me more than anything and wants this feeling to go away. This seriously came out of nowhere..Everything has literally been perfect, she was all excited about moving out, we have never had a problem we couldnt work out through communication, and have the best most intimate relationship i could ever imagine...This girl asked ME to marry HER! I have no idea what to do...The past few days have just been horrible..We literally only just moved in a few weeks ago.. She came around last night to see me and talk about it. At first she was very obviously cold and kept saying I've made up my mind this is what i need now..Eventually though she seemed to come back to herself, and has agreed to think about it for a few more days while staying at her parents.. I told her that perhaps she just needs more space? More time to see friends and do stuff on her own, and that its no reason to throw away the incredible relationship we have. I truly do love and care for her, and will give her all the space she needs. What should I do...I don't want to let her go..I can't imagine not having her in my life.. Heart = Broken.. =(
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