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Everything posted by enuff4me

  1. Thanx again guys, I must admit i felt rather emasculated by posting about this, but you guys have given me a lot of strength and for that i thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. Good luck to all, especially to those less fortunate than I Thanx Dave
  2. Thanx guys. A lot of extremely good advice. To answer itsallgrand. I have always been a pub man (but not a drunkard), so yes it is part of my lifestyle.And yes 'i love her' but i think you have told it straight. I think i might have to call the relationship a day after reading all this advice, i think any effort on her part would be merely token. God i feel heartbroken! Dave
  3. Hi all, This is a bit embarrasing but here goes. Not long after i first met my fiance 2 years ago, we went to the pub and had a fantastic night out. We were walking back to my house and as a bit of fun she pushed me into a hedge, i fell through the hedge and as you can imagine it was all very comical and we had a good giggle. Further up the road i gave her a shove into a hedge but kept hold of her hand so she didn't fall (once is funny, and all that). Anyway i cannot recall how or why but as soon as we got in my house BOOM!! I faced a torrent of verbal abuse as she accused me of showing her up, calling her names etc etc. As the torrent got louder and nastier i started to get in a rage shouting back. I am a very placid man and have never been like that before. The following day she reacted as if it was all my fault that we had a huge row and everything i said was turned around and i actually felt guilty and apologised. This happens every time. This sort of thing has happened six times in 2 years. On one occasion she punched me and on another headbutted me causing my nose to bleed. It's always when we have been out, especially when she has been drinking heavily. I would be most grateful for any comments Dave
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