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Posts posted by SoDone

  1. thanks for the compliment, but i was only going by what some old biddy told me in the seventh grade.


    i agree with you that metaphor cuts a bolder swath. the greater subtlety and realism associated with simile, on the other hand, does have a place as the situation warrants... or at least i like to think so.

  2. i remember being taught as a youngster that simile was the observation of a similarity (hence the similarity between "simile" and "similarity"), and that a direct correlation ("Juliet is the sun", for example) was metaphor. Mrs. Wilhelm was a senile old crone, though. i guess we could google up...


    edit: here we go; this is pretty much how it was run down to me:


    First, let's make sure you know the difference between simile and metaphor. A simile compares two unlike things (similes overrun your story like ants), while a metaphor takes the risk of claiming that one thing IS something else (similes are ants, overrunning your story.)


    link removed

  3. now im just left feeling like a directionless, weak, pathetic jealous ex!


    are you one?


    from someone who's worn the same shoes: if you love her, i mean really care about what's best for her, trust in her judgment and let go. i know how hard it is--few things in life are harder--but you won't feel pathetic anymore.


    NC is a way to get over someone; it doesn't bring them back once they've moved on. and counting days, that's just like picking at a scab - it won't heal unless you leave it alone until it's gone.

  4. i have a gay friend who loves straight porn and has kinky pictures of naked women all over his walls. to each his own, i guess.


    i'm not trying to make you think that "Joe" necessarily IS gay; i'm just suggesting that you be careful with your heart so it doesn't get broken.

  5. i know where you're coming from; i've taken the word "like" out of a number of my songs and poems on second/third draft. my point was just that simile by its very definition contains a word like "like" or "as", and it is a universally acceptable device. remember the song "Love Is Like Oxygen"? that sold pretty well, lol.

  6. lust doesn't make you stay up night after night with your pulse pounding in your stomach.


    lust doesn't make you wrench your guts writing second-rate poetry.


    lust doesn't leave you curled up in a ball wishing you would disappear.


    ...doesn't make grown men cry.


    ...doesn't make * * * *ty love songs sound like the best thing ever written.


    ...doesn't make thousands leap from tall buildings with notes in their pockets.


    ...didn't make me the fool i am.


    love is a monster. run from it.

  7. Last night you mauled me good. Not counting the one on my hand from the other day, I have marks from your fingers in eight separate places (including the back of my neck, where you told me there was none). The right side of my face is sore and my neck is stiff from your savage blows with your full 230-lb. weight behind them. Never mind that you kicked me, and all of this in public. I guess when you saw that I wasn't going to fight back you figured it was open season, huh?


    And over what? A peck on the cheek between friends?!?! I can't find the words to tell you how much I loathe and despise you for what you've done. What a sad excuse for a human being you are.


    But I'm glad that you hit me in the face, scratched me and kicked me in the crotch like a crazed gorilla. You know why? Because if you had acted rationally I might have ended up living with you for a long time to come. The very thought makes me wince and shudder. Thank you for bringing me finally to my senses.


    Tired of you spying on me, cyberstalking me, going through my email, my cell phone, my wallet, my computer... tired of you trashing my friends, of all the screaming, spitting, saying that our home and everything in it belong to you and you alone... tired of you accusing me of things I haven't done... tired of all the years of domineering and mental instability that you brought into my formerly happy life. There's just no end to it if I don't leave. Why do you think i got a divorce? Just something to do?


    Nobody, and I mean nobody, wants or deserves a partner like that.


    And you have the sickening gall to say that you "have a heart condition" so I shouldn't report you to the police. Well, your doctor told me that your heart was fine. And it sure didn't stop you from violently attacking me in front of the neighbors, so tell it to somebody who cares. You acted as though you were justified in your actions and you have shown no remorse. You've never shown any remorse for anything, it's always my fault.


    A judge isn't going to buy that, you know.


    But I'm not like you. I don't get satisfaction from ruining people's lives. So enjoy your freedom like I'm going to enjoy mine. Marrying you, tolerating your tirades and moving back in with you after I filed for divorce and left was my own fault. I acknowledge that.


    But I'm absolutely through with this crap. This is the straw that broke the camel's back. I refuse to allow you to mistreat me any further. I'm packing some things in tote bags right now and I'm staying with some friends who have offered me sanctuary. Your key will be on the table when you get home. I'm also changing my cell phone number today so you can't call.


    You won't be able to abuse me any more. Don't bother to look, you won't find me. It's time for me to let my scars heal, inside and out.


    Please find someone else to torture and then blame for it, and do not try to contact me or I'll get a restraining order before you can say "boo". Tell my family that I'll get hold of them as soon as I know I'm safe. Better yet, maybe I'll just forward this letter to my mother. I also have your friends' email addys from things you've sent me from work. I'm still thinking that over. I'm definitely going to post this letter somewhere on the Internet. Lastly, I'm calling the psychologist to tell him why I won't be there. He'll probably be interested in reading this letter, too.


    Goodbye. Living with you has pretty much been two long and horrific decades of hell, and I'm not going to suck it all up and come back for another round ever again. You drove me block out the pain with drugs, drinking, and even suicide attempts, and you caused a very mild person to react to your harassment in other inappropriate ways as well. The frustration and humiliation are unbearable. I should have done this many, many years ago.


    Have you ever heard "Bend The Bracket" by Chevelle? Probably not. Allow me to leave you with these words:



    it's on

    and the more we tense up

    avoiding pain

    you'll never learn a thing



    the war is on

    too weak to move

    call it off

    sorry... refused

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