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Posts posted by xfault_linex

  1. Yes you should because any antibiotic can cause trouble even after the baby has miscarriaged. Trust me, when I was younger I found out I was pregnant and made the mistake of telling the father of the child (my abusive ex) and he slipped some sort of antibiotics into my advil bottle and the pregnancy was terminated a month later. Even after the baby had died I was still sick off and on because I hadn't realized what had killed my baby yet and I still thought the pills were Advil.

  2. We're engaged, he always says he loves me and things such as that but is it possible that he's about to marry someone he only loves for one thing? It's scaring me, I've been hurt so many times, I don't know if I can take it again. I just spoke to my ex and he said that I should just ignore it and maybe he'll change but I've been ignoring it for a year!

  3. Heh, sounds like what I told my boyfriend in high school. I was on spring break and I met a guy. He started to like me and he told my boyfriend that I didn't want to be with him anymore, which was a lie. I did NOT stick up for this guy when my boyfriend confronted him so he knew that I was telling the truth. If your girlfriend sticks up for this guy in anyway, he may be telling the truth.

  4. It's just hard to deal with knowing that he goes to the same school as I do. Once we go back in the fall I have to deal with him all the time...again. He's a psychology major and I am as well. It's hard because we generally have the same classes. I despise having to walk into class each night and know that he's glaring at me with a "I know what's under your skirt" type glance. It drives me insane and the problem is....my fiancee now is in the hospital....so it makes me paranoid a bit. I have had dreams come true before so I'm just a bit worried.

  5. Honestly I think it's selfish to think of suicide over such immature things. If someone is still a virgin it means that the right person may not come along until later. It's a not a huge deal. I agree with you. Then again, wanting to commit suicide over anything is selfish because somewhere someone does care about the person whether they know it or not and it hurts those who do care. I've tried twice, the second time my fiancee walked in on me and he says it still haunts him. I can understand why, If I had walked in on someone I love after they just sliced their wrist I would be horrified as well.

  6. Ok here's the thing. I was engaged a while back for almost two years and one morning he just CALLED ME and dumped me, for no reason. Then started chasing after one of my friends. He claimed that he had gotten "bored with me". So of course I broke down. I mean he was my fiancee, so it's not strange to break down. I have depression now thanks to him But it's been nearly three years since and I still think about him occasionally. I loved him and I know I don't LOVE him anymore but I believe I still care about him. How can you care about someone who treated you so badly though. When we would be alone I would tell him I don't feel like fooling around but he would keep on anyways. When we were in his bed just laying there talking he would practically "take advantage of me" of course he didn't BEAT me while doing it but he would push when I said no a million times. I'm engaged to another guy now who treats me like an angel, he treats me better than any guy I have ever been with but for some reason I still think about my ex and it's killing me. My fiancee knows that I still think about him but he doesn't know about my dream the past few nights, the same dream. In the dream my fiancee was in the hospital and I went on a trip with my friends to calm down and stop worrying so much, my ex ended up going and somehow I fell back in love with him....I'm worried that if I tell my fiancee he'll take it the wrong way, hopefully it's not something to worry about but can someone help out or at least advise me a bit.

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