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Posts posted by Replaceme

  1. The thing is i have dated for 35 years - and there is always that chance.

    ALWAYS - not to mention i look 25 years old myself - thats the other thing , i dont think he knows my age.

    i always get carded - always get shocked looks when i say i am 35 - everyone always freaks outt - the thing about him leaving doesnt bother me - look at these boards for instance - there is always a chance of one person leaving the relationship for some reason or another. again look at the breaking up posts on this web site alone.

  2. i am so nervous around him , i swear i act like an idiot - today a co-worker said " act your age" after a silly laugh fest with him. He is only working in our office this week - so after Friday , if he doesnt ask me out - i think i will ask him out.

    God it feels so weird - he acts mature - more than me - geez i act like a crazy women around him - but 9 years!!!!


  3. Okay - simple story - I like him , he likes me ( well. i think)

    anyway we flirt allot , we both are single , one big problem , i feel.

    He's 9 , yes NINE years younger than me. I am 35 - he is 26.


    any thoughts? I like him allot , but maybe it would never work because of our age difference? what do you all think?

  4. mikey - i am on day 12 of NC.

    Its the friggin worst.

    I feel like he and I are just playin games to see who lets go of their pride first.

    Wait - on second thought - he broke up w/ me.

    So maybe its just over.

    anyway - I know how you feel about contacting them.

    Stay strong - dont do it.

  5. Nope didnt go - and I thank GOD!!!

    feeling good about my decision not going or telling my employer anything.

    The cat is still in the bag!

    I swear , if he tells them i will be so mad.

    BTW- its day 10 nc/moving on .....

  6. I understand your point RC , but i just cant face him yet.

    I amhere at work now - but i told my new boss , I mean , I ASKED him if it would be allright if i skip out on the meeting to take my mom to the doctors.

    He was totally fine , he said oh yeah dont worry this meeting isnt anything- its cool.

    So i feel okay about it.

    I cant believe its 10 days no contact. and this weekend will be 1 month broken up.

  7. its day 10 nc/moving

    i am lieing to day to my new boss so i wont have to see him.

    Its just to early - if i see him i would be a million steps backwards.

    I realize i may have to see him so i am preparing myself for that situation , but for today - I am hiding.

  8. the thing is - yes in like a month i see being able to handle it.

    But not right now.

    I just dont want to go.

    Its not crucial i am there at the meeting anyway.

    I am seriously considering coming up with a lie.

    My mother said to call them in the morning and say i have to take her to her doctors appt. emergency type situation.

    They would understand - they are very laid back - cool.

    I just cant see my ex right now.

    It would seriously affect me negativily - i cant do it.

    and i am doing so good in dealing with the loss of self esteem , everything.

    Like I said , i just need more time .

    I amseriously considering lieing to get out of it.

  9. If anyone could please give me advice !

    Its day 9 of NC - tomorrow will be day 10.

    I just left work and my boss said we will be having a meeting at my ex's workplace!

    Help - I dont want to go!!!

    Should I come clean with my new boss and tell him - he doesnt know we were together - I just dont want to come off as a problem. I really like this job!

    Or do i come up with a personnel excuse - like should I lie and say oh I have to do something.


    But i am expected to be in this meeting. I just cant go and face him right now.

    Please help - what should I do??

    Please i am having a panic attack now.

  10. So my ex just called my new boss ( a client of his , my ex reccomended me for this job , BUT they DO NOT know he was my boyfriend)

    anyway - I am sitting here and i can hear my new boss phone ring -" Oh Hey (insert human wrecking ball name) whats up, then he says Oh yeah we hired her , she is perfect. She is our new glue here. "

    Why is he checking up on me?


    Also my phone rang private this morning , i didnt answer they didnt leave a message.Maybe him , dont know. whatever.


    Its still Day 9 NC/ MOving on

    Just felt good to hear my new boss say all those nice things to him about me.

  11. Yep day 7 NC /moving on.


    Feet are sore from dancing all night with my girlfriends.

    Woke up this morning - well sad yes - but okay.

    its 3 weeks break up now.

    Thank you RC , for checking up on me!! I am going to vegas myself soon.!

    hows the weather?

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