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Everything posted by smilineyes

  1. so im in a very odd place in my life and im not sure which way to go? I was in a 5 year relationship(with a guy...im a girl) up until about a year ago and the breakup was ugly and Very hard on me. after the breakup i went through a period where i mostly hooked up with girls. i cant say date because my piece of mind was not capable of really dating mostly just partying and hooking up. i had always been attracted to girls and have now realized i am bi. after spending the past 6 months not dating anyone i finally feel ready to 'get back out there' while that alone is scary enough im not sure 'which team i want to play for' per say. while most people would say im good looking and itd be easy enough for me to find a guy to date and be my boyfriend i cant help but think i would like to be with a girl. yet when it comes to girls i feel like a giddy 16 year old who doesnt know what they are doing. im not sure how to get past the drunken making out for fun stage that most girls do just for kicks these days and actually find someone who might be looking for more or is even seriously attracted to women. and i cant help wondering if my past bad experience with men is the reason i am attracted to women and if it is plain and simple fear that im dealing with.when it comes to dating women how do i go about actually looking for it....w/o going to gay bars b/c im not down with the one night stand scene....anymore! and how do i explain to a girl i like that im still unsure about my sexuality (at 25)
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