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Posts posted by avestieri

  1. I don't consider cheating to be acceptable at all.

    Rough patches in relationships are perfectly normal, why look for excuses to cheat?


    If you are really in love, you will respect your partner, no matter how tough the situation between you may be. And if you have any decency, you will still respect your partner even if you don't love him.

  2. You gf is obviously jealous. And you said she's still pissed about all of this? Wow. If what she said really is true, why the heck would you want someone like that? If she's lying to make you jealous, still...why the heck would you want someone like that?


    I seriously suggest dumping her.


    And checking for some STD's.

  3. Oh, gosh. Hemorrhoids don't look so attractive. =(


    It's not my first time, and I'm not into anal sex, so that's off the list.

    I'm also guessing hemorrhoids, though. Everything seems to suggest just that.


    The only thing that scares me is going to the dr, now.

    I'm scared that it has some connection to me having sex, and him/her announcing it to my family.


    I hope there's some confidentiality thing, because that wouldn't be of my best interest.

  4. Today's my first day as a member of this website. Previously, I've never heard about it before. It was until my recent incident that I decided to do some searching online, and I managed to come accross it. It seriously looks like something that could really help a person out, so I've managed to create an account with aspirations of resolving a problem or two that surround my life.


    I'm 16. I have a boyfriend whom I'm sexually active with. We had sex on Saturday, and it was significantly painful. Since it happened almost immediatley after finishing my period, I decided that was the cause. I ignored it. And although this is quite embarrassing for me, I'd rather be embarrassed than scared.


    While going to the bathroom yesterday and today, I noticed blood. It wasn't really on the stool, but on the paper I wiped with. It didn't occur every time I went to the bathroom, though. I'm trying to put this in the nicest words that I can. I was fine when I only urinated, so the blood wasn't coming from that area.


    I'm pretty scared and I don't know what to do. =/

    Any help or comments will be greatly appreciated.

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