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  1. Hello and thank you for reading, I hope this doesn't sound ridiculous. I'm mid 30's and dated a wonderful man. He'd asked me to marry him, but I declined at the time thinking it was too soon. He broke up with me after a year together. I don't blame him. I showed him little respect toward the end. I wasn't horrible, but I was frustrated with an injury I'd sustained and the money it cost me and I fell apart. I moved out of our home to get a job in another state. He said back then that he broke up with me because I became obsessively needy after I moved. He's right, I acted incredibly desperate. It's been 3 years. To the best of my knowledge, he's been single the entire time. I've had relationships, but the bottom line is, I still love him. I'd like to see him again. He contacted me 2 years ago but didn't reply to my return email. I wrote to him in September as a friend, no answer. I'm not 100% convinced that contacting him via email is the way to go, and if he would even answer. I'd like to see him in person but I'm worried that if he sees me walking down the street or something, he'll think I'm nuts as I don't live in the same state anymore. Any advice? Thank you so much for reading
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