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Posts posted by cansomeonehelp

  1. yes it is the same guy, and i actually tried to break up with him about 4 days ago. BUT, i have seen a side of him i have never seen. He took full responsibility for what he had said to be, and agreed to get therapy if it proceeded. He said he didnt realize it had gotten as bad as it did, and promised to really work on it. Which, i know its only been four days, but i see a huge improvement already. As for everyone thinking i might have OCD, i have never been diagnosed w that before. I think everyone has that disorder to an extent. I feel like i have it to an extent too, but not enough to be diagnosed. Any way i hope that answers all of the questions, and i appreciate all the advice everyone is giving.

  2. well particularly, his driving scares me to death. He is a horrible driver, because he likes to speed and be "risky" ...."or its not fun". I have expressed my feelings on this, and he "claims" he is improving, but its a load of crap. That is my main concern, but i always get those feelings that hes in danger any where hes going. Some kid in a class we have together, always argues with my boyfriend on topics presented in class, and i worry that kid will hurt or kill my boyfriend. I know it sounds so stupid, but those feelings of mine can arise and any given time, and usually do.

  3. So here is the deal. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 8 months. We didnt really know eachother before we started dating, but we hit it off really well. To make a long story short, three months into our relationship, i was drinking at a party (something i usually do not do) and I cheated on my boyfriend with another guy. I didnt have sex with this other guy, but we were touchy feely if you get my drift. I know nothing gives an excuse for what i did, i actually have never cheated on anyone in my life, but i was very under the influence and wasnt thinking straight. I was very surprised and lost a lot of respect for myself, bc i love my boyfriend very much. I have not told him, even 5 months later what i have done. The reason i have not told him, is because im very assamed of myself, and i know i will NEVER cheat on him again. I actually dont even drink or party anymore. I also know that if i tell him, he will break up with me, no questions asked. At first i thought it would be best just to end things, since im kind of giving him a false representation of myself, but then i have convinced myself that it will never happen again, and since im sure of that, there is really no point in telling him, since he will end things. I need to know if what I'm doing is wrong or not. I know that cheating on him was horrible. My question is, do i tell him, knowing that he will break up with me, or do i just let things go as they are, knowing i will never make that mistake again. Any input would be great. Thank you

  4. i just want to thank everyone for your advice. It is really helping me see aspects that i was blind to. I guess when your in a relationship its easy to think with your heart and not your mind, but everyones advice is really helping me see things more clearly, so i wanted to thank everyone. It really means alot that you took the time to write your thoughts and feelings.

    Thanks again.

  5. well in his defense, u did state that he told u from the start he didnt want a relationship, so he probably doesnt want a relationship. If thats what u ultimately want, i would consider breaking things off with him, bc u arent going to get a relationship by nagging him about it, and still sticking around. You have to let him know your serious, and walk away. THen if you mean enough to him, and he knows your serious, he will committ to you

    hope that helps

    good luck

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