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  1. Would like to post the question...can he be over me when he is acting like this? My bf dumped me out of the blue a month ago, soon after he went on holiday with a few of his friends and will be back in a week. He broke up with me and would not talk to me for a long time afterwards. consisting of turning off his fone and cancelling my calls etc. Few days afterwards he did pick up and we spoke on friend terms.. and it was ok- just general chat really. He then got all weird again and whenever i called tried to shun me and wud make the conversation as quick as possible (i'm talking like 3 mins!). before this i also asked him once he got back from his holiday if he would come to my house and talk things over or at least say a last goodbye- but he said he didn't want to and wasn't going to. We have been together for 4 years and our relationship was not a bad relationship at all. Recently i have been doing the old NC and have done for about a week, but as it was easter i gave him quick call to say happy easter and once again the convo was only around 3 mins long! He has blocked me on yahoo messenger and does not want to speak to me at all. How can he be over me after this long and treats me the way he does? surely when you are completely over someone speaking to them doesn't matter as you have no feelings for them? I no he may want to be over me but is he really over me? can you be so quickly after 4 years? I thought he would be sorry he was hurting me, even if he doesn want me as a gf, and be nice about the break up but he is just being a * * * *. Is it worth me waiting until he gets home? Is he over me?
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