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Posts posted by envyous1

  1. About a month ago my friend confided in me that she was molested as a child by two different people...Well she's young so, not so long ago...but anywho...at the time she told me she was upset over something else and decided to tell me...she has never told anyone else (so she says). Anyway, the story was...

    When she was five a female friend of the family/cousin who was not(yet) an adult "touched her" in a sexual mannor. She didn't quite go into detail, but the f.o.f. allgedly masturbated with and in front of her, and performed oral sex on her.

    {Strike One}Okay....she can't tell me how old the girl is/was, and she still sees her often. I ask her how old she is and she just says "Oh, like twenty something or whatever."


    {>} She does say that she told her mother.--->>and if true, this only happened once.


    The next person she says molested her was her older brother. She has not told me any of the details but she just say her touched her, and showed himself to her. Now she claims that this happened on many occasions over several years...from the time she was 5 to 11. The brother was four years older than her. She says he used to make comments about he sleeping posotions: eg like that you must want me to do something" ect...


    {Strike Two} Now, she says that she hates him and can't stand to be around him, but she is frequently laughing and talking with him, and gets defensive when people say things about him (not about the molestation of course). Now i know that many victims identify with their abusers, but c'mon. And now she's going around telling her other friends "Oh I have a secret....but it's just, "mush"

    {Strike Three} She tries to use wht happened to her as an excuse. Like she'll say "See...that's why I'm like this (promiscusious)." And she dosen't like to take pictures so she says thats why...and I'm like no you just think you're ugly...which she kinda is. Then i say "Well, he didn't take pictures of you did he?" and she says no and just laughs, or slaps me (my hand) and a real laugh, not a nervous laugh.

    She's made this into a something funny...she calls him "the rapist" jokingly, and pokes fun at the whole situation. But yet, she uses this to her advantage. For instance, anytime i ask her why she stays with her scum bag boyfriend she says "It's just because of what happened to me. Remember?"


    Please help me...does her story sound true...and if not, should I confront her about it?





    sorry 4 all the spelling mistakes....it's like 4oclock n the morning!!!-------{im trying2 correct them}

  2. : school can be tough...But you have to learn to be forceful even if means you are perceived as a b**** at first. I know you said you argued with you professor but when arguing with someone who-im assuming- thinks that he/she's right you must stand your ground, and tell them to list the specific reasons why he thinks you should not work at that clinic and that you feel that it is important to work in an inviorment in which resembles that of which you will eventually working in. I hope this helps...

  3. i don't mean to be mean...but you are an idiot...This guy has total control over you, and you've gotta stop it. Think of him leaving you as a sign that it's time for you to move on...You cannot let you own insecurities deminish you ability to make sensible decisions... Do you really want to have this monster (oops...sorry) man as the father of your children...I should hope not... No! You shouldn't him as a husband, companion, or even a neighbor...Please let go...!!! Before it's too late.


    knew a girl who had been with an abuser from the time she was 14 to 19. He beat her, called her all types of * * * * * *, sluts...and was very demeaning. He cheated with her friends, his friends, his neighbors...and, once when he was drunk/high he even tried to pass her off on one of his cousins. He told her he would kill her, and said that if she ever cheated he would get his friends and "treat her like a real hoe" and yet she stayed. She claimed she was scared to break up with him beacuse he'd tell her mother she ws having sex with him(

    i knew that was just the lie she told herself...truth be told...he was a punk, and she knew it...She had three grown brothers, and many uncles who had challenged him multiple times and he always backed down. It was as easy as her never calling or seeing him again. At no time did she live with him, nor did she have to see him on a daily basis.

    only reason she stopped seeing him was because he chose some stripper(

    friend, spent the next five weeks making excuses for the incident...

  4. she's just talking about the natural smell she should just use vagisil...(they make powder/washes...and what have you)keep wipes....and yes do dry(thoroughly) after showers.....if she's having sex(im guessing) she should douche...or try to use one of those shower/bath hoses (yes ladies they're for washing too


    also... the smell might just be horrible to you...maybe it's mild/hardly noticeable...I mean...have you smelled anyone elses???


    and....if it's really that bad...the go to a gyn for the love of tom(myspace) Don't be shy....there's nothing they haven't seen or smelled...

  5. My motherhas always had a temper...she has hit me on several occasions, and not just a slap in the face...but with her fists....her knees...she's kicked me....beat me with rock gardens....(


    she hits me when she gets angry when i "say" something rude or disrespectful.... like, last night, she yelled and cursed at me for asking her a question about Arizona (for pete's sake) and i told her not to talk to me....

    I'll admit that i have hit. I think once i may have flat out punched her, and i know i have scratched her, and pushed her back.....but i'm a fighter....by nature...and it's only so many times a person can take that w/o lashing out...


    Yeah I admit that i mouth off to her...but it's like the drunk telling his wife to stay outta his way when he's drunk... It dosen't make sense and it dosen't warrent a severe beating...At least i don't think so


    She is a therapists/former social worker, so i know she understands the law.... I have told her that she treats me horribly, but she just tells me " you don't know what horrible is." But i do... Unfortunately....the other thing is that there's rumor of her being molested as a child and she even hints at it... And i know for a fact that her father used to hit her mother (my grandmother) so i believe she thinks that she can do no wrong....that i deserve it...and that no abuse is as bad as the abuse she suffered.


    top it off, she drinks vodka nearly everyday....sometimes she can finish a pint, which i know i by alcholic standards isn't much but still....And she says she uses it to get to sleep(that...can't be healthy)...which she barely does...She smokes, and has been in a relationship with a man with five kids...several "baby mamas" a crazy ex-wife and many female "friends" I am sick and f*****g tired of it!!! I am not able to move out of the house...though she has kicked my out on several occasions, and she tells me "if you don't like it you can go live with you..." grandmother, father, whomever...none of which can take care of me. My father is a crack head...who blames he (which i'm now starting to believe). And my grandmother is tending to her soon who is recovering from a massive brain tumor...


    please help me!!!

  6. Unfortunately.......i'd have to disagree....some (even most) guys do see girls as x-rated barbie dolls. But that's only beacue they act like it.

    Say, you're a guy. you barely call a girl maybe she only calls you. But however it goes, you end up on the phone, and you invite her to your place...You have sex...don't call for days...maybe weeks...and when you do it's the same thing again... Pretty soon you're gonna start to see this girl as one you can use for sex...she obviously likes it...and she's even started inviting herself over...

    It's sad to say...but if guys experience this on more than one occasion they start to expect it...I'm not saying you should only blame the girls, but...I mean c'mon ladies stop being 1(900)-horney

    And guy's we're girls that you call....not CALL GIRLS!!!

  7. Another type that guys are really into aside from Bar Stars/Blonde Chicks are .... Exciting Angsty Dramatic Types With Issues.


    I'm one of the second type, when I was at my *worst* I also seemed to be the most attractive. People just want some excitement in their lives perhaps, I dont know.

    That is so true.....I know girls who create drama because the boyfriends like it. They'll cry, pick fights, and even tell them about other guys.....But yet... it all ends up in the sack.

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