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Everything posted by painNsiolence

  1. My story is my parents got divorced when I was very young I remember lots of yelling and violence, then we moved when I was about 6 my mother got a boyfriend that we moved with that was wanted we moved a lot, around 7 years old he started raping me and molesting/touching and physically violent, verbally, my mother always said she didn't care it was my problem, when I got older I told the cops and the relayed the message to my mother who told my step father and my step father pointed a gun at me. So I left moved in with my real father who kicked me out after about 8 months I wasn't social, or, smart.. gave him nothing to be proud of. I had ran away a couple times.. my step father had ran off though the cops found him, I then more less dropped out of school, lived alone, got into drugs, hung around dangerous, violent people almost everyone had been to prison, got in absive relationships.... was in lock-up and rehab by the time I was 17. I started cutting and burning around 12 years old. I am now married at 20 years old I was married at 19, I have borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder, ocd tendencies, anxiety disorder, aghoraphobia, post traumatic stress disorder, binge eating disorder, insomnia, addiction problems, and ADD... I haven't cut in about 8 months... does anyone have any problems like mine or had similar things happen? I thank everyone for reading this and I would really appreciate replies.
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