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Posts posted by Omni-I

  1. Well at least he answered you, most of the girls I've sent message to, if not all of them actually never responded, so it feels even more a waste of money for me. My advice to you, its just forget about online dating. I even got to a point so fustrated that i just wanted to (sorry for the term) b*tch slap every girl on that site. Its a waste of time, and made really feel bad about myself, it and just ripping money stick to people you really see, take chances.


    I especially like making eye contact with girls i just walk pass by, if they stick they regard on me, then its my cue to talk to them. If you notice a guy try to make eye contact with him. I just discovered this and lost many opportunities just because I was so much of a WUSS to act on it. But i am starting to get it and so should you!

  2. lol. Ok dude, there a good new and a bad new for you. The good new is that you are living what I was just recently living in MY HEAD the past few years while i was studying in university and know what you are going through.


    The bad new is that you really dont get it, because i sure didn't get it. Put yourself in their shoes for once. If you were talked to like you did to those girls by a someone you barely knew and/or didn't felt attracted to, how would you react? In other words don't wait, act fast and clean. When you see a girl you would like to talk to, talk to her. Be a MAN. And second rejection is normal, get use to it, and don't take it too personal. That why you shouldn't build up expectation to girls you only fall in love with before even knowing them. The rejection will be harder.


    Here a exercise, talk to any girls you come accross to that would be open to it. Make conversation without asking anything else in return, make them smile and laugh. You'll feel better and make them feel better also.

  3. well dude, for what i can see all the girls here have something in common. You gotta be confident and have a good sense of humor. Cocky & funny at the same time. If you can master only that 2 aspect I am sure you can get alot of dates. (takes time trust me..lol) Looks aren't has important to them as they are for us. Lucky us?!?


    Every men, and i mean EVERY men aren't indifferent to the charms of young women...

  4. Asian girls with white dude again, and a MUCH older also lol. So ironic that in my prime I am still slow starting the engine with women after my studies and this dude going old is nailing a girl around my age and an asian like me ! lol man STOP stealing our girls. Or... asian girl's white guys ARE overratted!


    (oh yeah i'd be careful for that gold digger element. In france chinese women have been heard to do that... But then again, i wouldn't be too sad for you if it happened, at least you gonna pay for stealing our GIRLS lol)


    Every men, and i mean EVERY men aren't indifferent to the charms of young women...

  5. hey bud, rest assured that if your still a virgin its nothing to be ashamed though i wouldnt go off yelling it in the streets lol. But that fact you never been in a relationship with girls might just have something to do with the way you communicate with them and how you react to them. Alot thing can go on. If you got guy friends who gots tons on dates, try to learn from them, ask them advice. But be sure that these friends are hanging with the type of girls you want to be with, or you might be attracting the wrong crowd lol. Your young, have fun, learn new things. If you afraid to talk to girls you see regularly practice with ones you just cross upon. I suggest you go to malls on fridays or weekends. Practice on those store employees, make up an excuse to look for women clothings, like gift for friend, sister, cousins, wathever. Talk, you'd be surprise how much of them are actually talkative. be knowledgeable about women interest so you have ammunition on different subject matters.


    Again if your just looking to getting rid of that virginity you can always pay for have it taken for lol if you get what i mean... though i dont know about the legal consequences depending on where you live.

  6. if some people here in this forum have a boyfriend in their 60s and they are in their early 20s. I think your discomfort shouldnt be that high. the gap is like 6-7 years? Thats hardly a big one. If your looking to build a relationship thats up to you to choose. Its all relative. In my case when i was in my teens and early 20s i was actually looking for one also, didnt even bother to go to the fun stage! lol But i was the kind of guy who was put all emphasis into studying and just plain neglected the rest. I am 25, same age as you and now i am just looking for fun, heck having 1 different girl for each day of the week could be super lol. Though not closing the door to relationships, its not my priority anymore. Anything possible, just depends on the people involved.

  7. [quote=It's difficult to talk to some of my peers about my boyfriend sometimes. It's strange how girlfriends are generally very understanding and happy for me, but guys are not.


    Just an insight on that quote, I think its because most guy would feel hostile toward your boyfriend mainly because there might be a certain amount of jealousy or because they themselves thinks to know how men at their 60s think... And projecting themselves into a 60s year old guy. And truth be told, they are not always wrong. In my travel I've heard of many men in old age retiring into poor asian countries, who abandoned their familes in their respective countries to take "wife" of often girls in their teens. Sexual tourism often contribute to that. Now we could say that those girls are consenting, but trust me, I've heard enough stories from those old grandpa's on how they are manipulating and just wants a "hot young thing" to keeps their old bones feeling young. And in a way garanty a beautiful retirement. Some even fathered children with those young women. And how much they enjoy their company much more than their wrinkled wives. But the destiny of those young girls is to tend to him. I think that often came up in this post about what you should expect from such a relationship. In my opinion, despite the "love" factor, aspirations of what kind of future is quite different from what you would get from a younger man.


    And most of us guys would prolly enjoy that to if we were in their shoes lol. Can we say we despise what we admire? Think about Hugh Hefner lol.

    But i dont want to generalise, they may be a few exception to it. But i have yet to see it. And let me finish of with this:


    Every men, and i mean EVERY men aren't indifferent to the charms of young women...

  8. Its really simple I think. In terms of regrets, (and I think you may have heard it before) would you prefer regretting something you did or something you didn't do? He is moving out anyway and he will probably have the choice to move on with his life...and so do you. So before he does give yourself a chance to what you long for and if he feels the same then you have what you wanted. If he doesn't at least you let him know and can start the healing process and move on, and definatly don't cling on it as hard as it may seem. Rehearse in your mind what you want to tell him so its simple and clear and to prepare yourself for the answers you might get (you even might not get one...) Best way to feel condifent and put order in your own emotions.


    I wish you the best.

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  9. Though in your case there is no right or wrong and like those other guys you gotta make a choice. But let me open up your perspective a little so it may allow you to make a wiser choice...


    Its all about options really, in your case you got choices, either living with him in a "advanced" form of relationship or you move out and live out a single's life without any attachment. Depending on what you want and where to degree of maturity is, both of those can be fun and fufilling.


    In my home country in Asia, girls gets often married as young as 15-16. Mostly from poor and modest family to often older men 30+ or even 60 at times... who can offer somewhat of a stability and has many years of experience on what they do. (Trust me the standards are often very low compared to what women can have in developped countries) Those girls often would be too happy to have a provider and would jump on the occasion to accend early on in the social level.


    But you probably have guessed the destiny of those girls, they often end up being housewives and bearing children. So to their perspective, they couldnt care less about having fun or going out on dates. Their dreams is fufilled by being able to become a mother and having a caring husband who can provide security for her parents and her siblings. Culturally when a guy marries a asian girl he often also marries her family.


    It goes about the same about young couples who also marries young. For they often don't have the option to explore other venues and content themselves with their fate and trying to build happiness with what they have.


    So what i am trying to say is, find what dream or dreams you wanna persue in your life and if what you are doing now contributes to achieving those goals then I think you are doing the right thing... whatever it is. That also show's respect to your boyfriend. Having options is great, it shows how life is generous towards you. But with option's comes choices and I think you have a responsibilty to act on them.


    Good luck!

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