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Posts posted by Megami

  1. She says she loves you but she is sleeping with others.


    You said you had no commitment, for me, it means you guys were opened to new chances but I think if that happens, you should, at least talk about it.

    Not just sleeping with everyone...I don't think her attitude is good...

    I don't know if you can change her either,...


    Try to talk her in a time when she is not drunk, and ask her what does she expect from you...

  2. Oops...you guys were right...


    The girl was lying. She didn't even appear to the meeting! She missed it!


    And later, she sent me messages saying that I didn't care enough for my boyfriend and that I didnt deserve him because I don't trust him! (what a b*tch...)


    My boyfriend was upset but he said we could try again and that he still wants to be with me.


    It's just that I feel so ashamed now.

  3. About trusting or not trusting him...

    I want you guys to think, that, if you were actually in this situation, you wouldn't have not even a little bit of a doubt, ?


    Well I have always trusted him but I can't help it now when a girl tells me that she has evidence!!


    And I have to go, because I can't live in a doubt...



    //I know the girl is crazy about him, it's an ex and in the past, he dumped her and she was always chasing after him...But I can't believe that she actually would know that he was not him at the msn, it is impossible...

  4. My boyfriend had a fotolog many time ago, but now he only updates it from time to time with pictures of me and him together.


    The thing is that now he had received a comment in his fotolog that I DIDn't like:


    You know..I love you as you are. Everything good and bad in you. For me, you are perfect...You always were. I may not have you now but I still love you...always will


    I thought I know who she is because the way that she was writting...

    It's a person me and him, both, know in person.



    Well I did a bad thing, I know I shouldn't but I did and now I FEEL WORSE!


    I entered his msn with his password and actually talked to HER.


    She told me they have been together and that he is a liar!


    I told him and he says she is lying.


    But I don't believe him!


    Why would she lie if she actually thought it was him taling to her??




    I wanted to confront them so

    We had a msn conversation - the 3 people involved here.


    He says he's over with me because I don't trust him and keeps denying.

    BUT she says that she has proof and that she is going to show me his messages in her mobile phone, Saturday's afternoon.


    He called me and told me that if I am wrong, he isn't going to forgive me.


    But I KNOW I AM RIGHT; , I am so nervous...




    Well in this moment I hate him.


    We had agreed in the msn, that me, the girl and him would meet in person and that the girl would show me his messages.


    He says that is going , and that he is going to proove that I am wrong.

    She says that is going, and that she is going to show the messages.


    I don't understand. One of them is lying,


    Why are they so sure about going on in Saturday????

    If one of them is going to be discovered!!!!

  5. You can't die now, you have plenty to live.

    Are you going to lose everything that life can give to you?


    YES, some times are very hard...but there are also the good times...

    You'll never know what happens if you die now.


    Try to go out, to have fun...live life to its fullest.


    I know how it feels to wake up and not wanting to live any more...

    But believe me... life still has so much to offer you.

  6. Think about the good things you haven't yet experimented in your life.

    There are so many good things that can happen in your life and that you don't know.

    Think about every people that need you.


    Deep inside you, you know you still want to live, it's not over yet...you can go through this.

  7. He MUST have some time off sometime. Sounds a bit lame to me I'm afraid. Isn't there somewhere halfway?


    Well, I don't really know about that. I don't even know his city. And he knows mine. But he says if I come, he'll meet me at the station and that at the moment, he probably can't come to my city because of his work.


    What about me? I have classes and there's the whole thing about my parents and that stuff.


    But we have already discussed many times this, and like "who is going to be the first"... Sometimes, I think that he might be afraid of something. But I don't know what. I trust him, even if I have never seen him.

    Sometimes, I feel he doesn't trust me enough yet.


    And I don't know if he's expecting the same thing I am expecting of this.


    On the other hand, he might be thinking the same as me: "she hasn't got time neither chance to see me. Why should I?"



    P.S. If you sent him pics like those in your avatar, and he's not jumping up and down to meet you, I'd say he's nuts...


    Hah thanks

  8. Ask him for his picture first. Don't meet him until he does.


    Well, I already have pics of him.


    why not meet your internet friend? You could be wishing you'd tried. I would also suggest he comes to your town and you meet in a public place in case he's a weirdo.


    That's the problem. I am going to an unknown city meeting somebody I have never seen in my whole life, it scares me a bit but for some reason, he seems so honest to me.

    He says he'll come to my town whenever he has the chance but at the moment he is working and studying and can't manage to do that..

  9. I know that, but I actually enjoy talking to him.


    And I am not actually "searching" for something.

    Since my last relationship,. nobody seems to "catch my eye", but the personality that this guy in the Internet, is supposed to have, means something to me.


    But maybe you're, right, I'm taking this too seriously...

  10. I think I am living a fantasy everytime I chat to him because the day where I'll see him never seems to arrive..

    I am afraid of going into the train to see somebody that...may be..or not to be..something I have been expected.


    What if he is? What if I fall in love with him?

    How is that going to be? I can't travel by train everytime I wish to, and I definitely can't support a distance relationship.


    I think I think too much but this just doesn't get out of my head.



    Welcome to ENA Megami!


    Thank you and sorry for my english, this is not my 1st language.

  11. Ok, so at this point, I have already had many relationships and I suppose this is a normal thing, for a 18 year girl.


    None of them had succeeded.

    Sometimes I feel sad about it, but I guess I just haven't found the "one"...And that I still have plenty of time for that.


    Yes I was hurt, Time healed it.

    Move On.


    My last relationship was being like a "dream" (I could go out with him every day, he treated me liked a princess, my mother knew his parents and supported my relationship...etc) and it ended suddenly . Now we won't even talk.


    I am a girl who likes to have fun and hang out with the friends.

    I hate to be standing at home alone but when I have no choice,I sit here on the PC and usually talk to my "real" people in the msn list.


    The thing is, now I have been talking to a guy, that is in my msn list but that I have never met!

    I mean, I have never seen him!


    "it's ok..." - you may think - "it's only chatting... you're in this minute talking to people from other countries..."


    Well, yes, the problem is that I feel happy when I talk to him. I feel connected. I feel so weird because I have never supported online relationships and I can't believe I can't love someone I have ever seen in real life. And I am not saying i love him. But I do feel so connected to him.


    I have "real" boys that say that are interested on me in real life, but I can't find anything interesting on any of them. I thought it was because I was still attached to my last relationship BUT...

    The "Internet" boy, has everything I like in someone.

    His sense of humour and intelligence are amazing.


    And, to worse this, he lives too far away.

    Well not that far, he is in the same country as me, but in another city. (about 2 hours by train)


    So, I had this crazy idea of putting myself in a train and going to see him. (Yes, because I feel the need of being with him)


    I know this sounds crazy but as I said, I feel so weird, I have never felt like this before.


    I think to myself, countless times : "This is Internet, girl, wake up."


    Then I go to the Bar with my friends and try to forget about this but I can't.


    I feel he is like "perfect"... I think about him more than I think I should.

    And I feel weird, god, I never saw the guy.


    Is this an illusion of the heart?

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