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Everything posted by Jody23

  1. Thank you so much smallworld! He's older than that. I don't want to say his age incase he comes accross this post I think you're right. He might be hiding behind these games. It might be because I'm shy and he can't see how I feel about him. He's not shy but he puts himself down when he's around me. I don't think he'd have a problem getting a girlfriend. He's really cute and has a few admirers. I think he tried to make me jealous once because I was talking to a male friend of mine and I hugged him then my crush sort of mirrored everything I did with the guy with a girl we were with. I think he might have trust issues? because of something I overheard him say once but I'm not sure. When he plays theses games I feel akward, it's like he's pushing me away but being a little bit flirty at the same time and I'm scared to tell him how I feel incase he's really just being friendly and then I find out he doesn't like me. I need to talk to him but I rarely get to talk to him alone and when I do he puts himself down. He might just be very insecure? P.S thanks for the advice! If we do become a couple, I'll know what to watch out for.
  2. Thanks. That's a good idea fairie16. I want to start flirting with him. I don't know how I'm going to do it because when he "picks on me" he's just randomly walking by and he's in another part of the building to me and he's surround by people that would proberbly make fun of my sad attempt of flirting. We're both going to be very busy this week so they only time I'll get to talk to him is next weekend (if we're both going to this party) again I'll be surround by these people so I don't know how I can get him alone to flirt with him. I think I should try though because I need to know how he feels.
  3. Hi there's this guy that "picks" on me but I'm not sure if he's doing it to flirt with me or if he's just being a pain in the ---. He jokingly hits me but its not in a aggressive way just a light tap on the head or shoulders with something. He's started doing this more over the last few months. I'm not sure if he likes me or not. I've been debating if he does or not because I'm sort of getting mixed signs. I feel that he might but I don't know that for sure. We are sort of friends but we don't talk to each other a lot - that might be because I am shy and don't make much conversation with him. Whenever we're out together socialy it's always because we've been invited by our friends. Even then we don't really talk and when we do he says something negative about himself. He seems to pick on people I sit by too. Whenever I move to another desk, he picks on someone around me. One time he was picking on this guy in a playschool pretend fight kind of way and he was looking over to me and smiling. So I don't know if he was doing it to seem tough or to get a reaction from me. He'll also try and move my stuff. I was talking to a guy and I heard a girl next to me react to something. He moved some of her stuff but I didn't see because I was training this other guy on something. Thing is I like him and I don't know if this stuff is because it's his way of saying I like you and I want you to notice me or if he's just being a *$%. I want to ask our mutual friends if they know why he's doing it but at the same time if they know he's doing it then they might say something to him and if he likes me and he's shy about showing it, it might chase him off. I would really appreciate someone elses view on this so I'm not biased on it one way or another. Thank you in advance - Jody
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