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Posts posted by HappyDaisy

  1. Thanks! I had my interview this morning, and it went very well. I received a call with an offer 2 hours later for the management position and $20k more a year than I make now. I'm so excited!


    The recruiter told me they were so excited by my interview and cannot wait to have me on board. My paperwork is in the mail.


    Job hunting is stressful! I'm happy to be moving onto the next step!


    Thanks for the luck wishes!

  2. A different recruiter called me today. The managers I interviewed with were "so impressed and loved talking with me so much" that they felt I was more qualified for this management position that is open. They're scheduling me an interview with two more hiring managers this week asap and the recruiter told me she'd call me immediately after the interview to let me know the decision.


    Eep. I wasn't expecting that news Pays 10k to 15k more a year than the position I was interviewing for too. Now would be a great time for someone to say good luck



  3. Backstory: I relocated to Orlando, Florida in April. I was able to transfer with the same organization at which I've worked for over 6 years. Unfortunately, the company culture and organization down here (its a not for profit) leaves a lot to be desired and I am suffering from stress related health issues. Thus, I've began submitting my resume to other places.


    I received a call in response to my resume from an HR Outsourcing firm for a payroll position. This position and company is awesome and would be a great opportunity. I had two phone interviews and then Thursday of last week I had an in person interview. The interview was with one person face to face and one person conferenced in via phone.


    The HR rep who set up my interview said to arrive in professional attire. The person who I interviewed with wore jeans and a silky camasole top. I was a little taken aback by her attire, I would think a hiring manager would dress up for interviews if HR tells the interviewees to arrive in professional attire.


    The interview consisted of some querying of my resume and intense behavioral questions. I felt I did really well, even though I was very stressed out from my day at work. The person on the phone had to go after an hour, and she said it was nice talking to me and good luck! The good luck comment was odd lol. Then I chatted with the hiring manager a bit and she walked me down to the lobby to turn in my badge. She shook my hand, said it was nice to meet me, told me I'd hear from my recruiter within two weeks. She said have a nice evening and good luck! Two good lucks! I thought it an odd thing to say at the end of an interview. To me it said... thanks for coming, but we're going to continue looking.


    I have sent a thank you note to the woman I met in person. The woman on the phone offices from home in another state and I don't have a mailing address for her.


    Should I call the recruiter I've been working with to touch base with him and say thank you and I'm really interested?


    Have you ever been told good luck at the end of an interview? When I interview people I always thank them for coming in and tell them it was nice to meet them, explain what the next step is. I've never said Good luck! though.

  4. I'm on the pill. I take Tri-nessa and I'm on my fifth or sixth pack since starting this prescription. I am very responsible, and I have never missed a pill. I take it at the same time every night (when I brush my teeth).


    I always start my period on the 2nd or 3rd day of the sugar pills in the last week of the pack.


    The past week and a half I've not felt quite right. I've been super emotional, I've felt slightly nauseated, and just unusual. My boyfriend suggested perhaps I was pregnant.


    Well, the last week of the pack came and I should have started my period last Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest and it didn't come. I didn't even have cramping like I normally do. By Friday I still had no period, until really late that night I had just slight spotting. I had three days of slight spotting and that was all. My period is usually fairly obvious, even while on birth control.


    Yesterday I woke up, I felt yucky and my breasts are super swollen and sore. That has never happened. I took a pregnancy test but it was negative. I understand it could be too soon though to get a positive result?


    I relocated to another state in April and have a new primary care physician I've not even been to yet, and I've not had time to find an ob/gyn, but I guess I need to do that and get this figured out!


    Btw... I'm in a monogomous relationship and we live together and are getting married and we both want children, so this isn't a crazy situation or anything. I just was looking for some thoughts/feedback on when I should take another test and if these symptoms sounded like pregnancy or just a weird, delayed side effect of my birthcontrol.

  5. A majority of the ads on television in the US are targetting children. The Truth project and anything funded by American Legacy Foundation are targetting youth around 8 to 10 years old.


    Why? Because that is the age group most at risk to begin smoking. The intent is to educate children about tobacco use and try to prevent them from ever starting.


    And, even with all of the education and information available out there, in my experience there are a lot of adults who do not know the health risks involved iwth tobacco use.


    I used to work in public health education and tobacco education and prevention among youth was one of my projects. I found it disturbing how many parents and teachers would approach us after educational sessions with little kids and ask us questions about the material or comment about how little they realized about the possible health risks from smoking.


    Grown ups can do what they want. I prefer not to be around smoke. I don't let people smoke in my house and I frequent non smoking establishments. However, I will always do my best to try to prevent children I know from ever starting smoking.

  6. You are still in highschool? Do you go a full day to school?


    You might check to see if your school offers any career counseling/has any placement programs. I know that we sometimes recruit from highschools for students to work in the summer.


    Have you tried temp agencies? Since its almost summer and school is almost out, it may be a way to get a job.

  7. I am a 32 year old woman dating a 25 year old man. He'll be 26 soon. I hear about it constantly from people. It gets tiring. I had a friend who is one year older than me criticize me for "robbing the cradle" when his wife is only one year older than my bf. Seriously People are just jealous or bored or nosey.


    If you are happy and your relationship is going great, just ignore them. I know its hard, especially if its family and close friends. But you have to do what is right by you.


    Best Wishes,

  8. I'm in the process of relocating to a different state. I have 1.5 weeks left at my current job.


    My job hunting in the new state is actually going fairly well. I've been submitted to the hiring managers for two positions with the same organization I work for now, only in that state's division. I intend on calling as soon as I am actually moved to let them know I am indeed in town. I have six years of tenure with this company and my boss is the VP of HR. She called the VP of HR down there and has put in good words for me.


    I also submitted myself to a staffing agency that does a lot of HR placement, and I'm supposed to call them for an interview as soon as I am moved.


    My problem is staying motivated for another 1.5 weeks in my current position! I've been training someone for my job over the past three weeks and she is pretty much doing all of my work. I just answer questions if she gets stuck. I've finished up almost all of my projects. I just have a few more internships to garner some more candidates for before I leave.


    I find myself with hardly anything to do. I don't want to ask for more to do, because I'm afraid they'll stick me down in the data entry department to help out. There's nothing wrong with data entry, but believe me, in this building that is not somewhere you want to be stuck all day. Its in the basement, in a corner with no windows. Bleh.


    So, I spend most of my day doing the very few tasks I have and the rest I pretend to be busy. This is getting old though!


    I have 8 more work days to get through. LOL.

  9. Did she explain to you your iron levels and where they are currently falling?


    I'm anemic. I am considerably older than you (getting ready to turn 32). For three years I suffered from chronic fatigue. My doctor wouldn't run any tests, she kept telling me it was my allergies and giving me allergy medication.


    I finally switched doctors last year and had a huge amount of bloodwork done. They took 8 tubes of blood. I have a nodule on my thyroid so she was concerned about that, and I am anemic. My iron levels were very, very low. I was told to take iron.


    I started taking the iron and it took a few weeks before I started to feel better. One year later I've lost 44 pounds, I have tons of energy and I make it through my day with no problems.


    You need to ask your doctor questions and take your life into your own hands and find a physician to work with you, even if it means changing a few times.

  10. I've known my bf for a year online. He's very close friends with a good friend of mine. We had been talking very seriously for the past six months everyday online and on the phone. We met in the flesh in February, and the chemistry from online is there in RL. I'm relocating to Orlando, FL to live with a few friends and to see where our relationship goes. I don't think you're crazy, unless maybe I'm crazy


    Most of my friends have been supportive. The only unsupportive people are the two people I know who are completely miserable and lonely in their own lives. So yah I'm moving April 20th. But I'm going down to visit for five days at the end of March.

  11. Lol yes take a deep breath


    I've been considering moving to Florida for a few years now. My RL friends down there introduced me to one of their RL friends online almost a year ago. We've spent a lot of time the past year talking, and a LOT of time the past four or five months, and we finally met when I went down for a wedding in early February. We totally clicked in RL even stronger than we did online.


    I am relocating. And I'm happy with my decision. I've already gotten responses to my resume down there and been asked to call and set up some interviews after I arrive in late April.


    You only live once. But, as I said, we've known each other online for quite a while and have mutual friends in common. Its a bit different of a situation.


    Keep getting to know each other! You never know what may happen

  12. Oh yes, I believe that is very possible.


    I was with my ex-bf for 3 years (we broke up 4 years ago). We had a lot in common, were great friends, good chemistry, same values, all that. We had different life goals though in the end so we broke up. To this day people are always trying to get us back together because we were the "perfect couple".


    So, sadly, I think it happens. Though I'm happy today where I've ended up without that relationship, so perhaps it can be a good thing in the long run. It hurts and sucks though when you are going through it =\

  13. You are 32 years old and that is an AWESOME age. Early 30's are the best. I love being 31. I got all of my crazy stuff out of the way when I was in my early 20's. I really like who I am and what I've become. I would rather be the person I am today than the person I was at 19!!!


    I'm going to second the thought that you both might benefit from couples counseling. My ex bf and I went to therapy together, and although ultimately the relationship ended we both learned a LOT about communication, trust and relationships. It was a very valuable experience.

  14. Thank you thank you.


    Babypink: actually I know a lot of people down there I have several RL friends I've known for 4.5 years that live in the same town and also some work associates from the company I currently work for. So I wouldn't be moving to a place where I knew nobody. If that were the case, I'd not move.


    I am moving for me. This is a good thing for me. My job is currently up in the air due to a company merger and now is a great time for me to relocate. I have considered moving to Florida numerous times over the past 6 years (my sisters both used to live there as well) because I love it down there.


    Most of my friends are excited for me. Sure, they'll miss me they say but they want me to live my life and do these things while I can, plus I'll be back to visit regularly as my parents and grandparents all live up here. Its just a select few people who are giving me grief over the whole thing. And these people happen to be the people in my life who are very unhappy with themselves, so I thought it was interesting but wanted to bop them all on their heads at the same time.


    I truly appreciate the feedback! I'll have to come back and let everyone know how it turns out in the end

  15. NJRon -


    Thanks! Actually I've been considering moving down there for a couple of years now, so more than likely I'd have ended up down there anyway. And the warm weather is definitely a bonus


    I appreciate the comments. I was just starting to feel a bit down about the whole thing after being bombarded with some serious negativity.

  16. I have very good friends I've known for 4.5 years who live in Florida. I'm in the midwest. They introduced me to a RL friend of theirs back in May. This person and I have talked a lot online and really started talking quite a bit in October when we decided we really liked each other. One of my friends had been trying to hook us up together for a long time.


    I was due to go to Florida for a wedding of a mutual friend. So, we were set to meet in RL and see what we thought of each other. Well, we like each other a LOT, and both feel as though we were made for each other. He's a great guy and I'm very lucky to have met him.


    So, the discussion came up about me relocating. Keep in mind, I have several good friends down there, so I have a support system already in place. I'm 31 years old. I have no ties where I currently am, so I am in a great position to relocate. We are interested in pursuing a relationship, and I wouldn't be moving until July, so its not anything that is super rushed.


    Most of my friends have been very supportive. They think this is fantastic and are glad I am happy. I am a rational person and I make good decisions, I wouldn't do this if I wasn't comfortable with all possible consequences. Worst case, we end up just friends, and I have a great new city to explore. Best case, the relationship keeps going fantastic and we spend a lot of happy years together. We're both easy going people and just enjoy each other.


    However, there are some people in my life who are up in arms over the whole ordeal. Before I went to Florida they were all go, have fun, meet this guy and fall in love. Now they are jealous? Telling me I'm stupid to relocate, and just being downright rude. In my opinion I'd rather pursue the possibility than sit back in 40 years and think what if? I just don't get it. Even my mother is happy for me. I guess it is situations like these you find out who your supportive friends are and who your not so supportive acquaintances are.


    I trust the opinions of my friends in Florida. They love this guy and are delighted that we have hit it off so well.


    I just had to vent. I like this place, good advice and commentary all around.

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