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Everything posted by mat420

  1. by the way thanks everyone. seems im screwed.
  2. haha. no offense or anything but would i be in here trying to find out ways to change how she sees cybering if i was immature and "jsut going to hurt her"? no, id be cybering, not feeling bad....or just cybering feeling bad and comin in here to help me feel better about myself a little (that im trying to fix it). not to sound like a * * * * or anything...
  3. dont feel i should be unhappy though at all though to stay in this relationship.....maybe if i need to cyber i shouldnt be in this relationship though?? idk
  4. by the way im 17.....ive shes the only one ive ever had sex with....second person to ever get head from...second person to get a ....well ill stop there but maybe thats got something to do with it??? people my age are usually having sex with a bigger variety of girls...idont know just trying to figure this out
  5. and nah @ the naughty email thing. i think its the fact that its different girls or something...maybe it makes me feel like a pimp subconsciencly? idk....all i know is i like to do it
  6. id let her if she let me as long as it didnt go like, real life. wow this site is the best i cant believe how many replies ive got in minutes. thanks for the fast reply people
  7. thanks for the quick reply damn.
  8. well of course its not gonna be physical when people are 5000 miles away....what do ya mean exactly?
  9. my girlfriend wont let me have cyber sex what can i do to convince her to let me? weve been to gether about 1 and 3 quarters of a year and i love her....she knows that.....but i like to have cybersex with different girls...not sure why, just like doing it alot.....what can i do to convince her to let me?
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