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  1. Yea, that part is really confusing, I been trying to firgure out her motive by saying that. Some of my friends told me that it might be that she dont consider that guy her date but more like a friend that she promise to go with, and the fact that she already have someone to go with and yet still willing to save me a dance meaning she might be interested in me more then the person she going with. I really doubt that would be the case, since it sound like some type of stuff in fantasy book lol
  2. Ok, so I decided to ask out this girl that I know for like a year for Winter Formal, here is our conversation: Me: Hey, you going to Winter Formal this year right ? Her: Yup, are you ? Me: May be =), so you have a date yet ? Her: *giggle* no =) Me: Want to go with me then =) Her: *look at me kinda surprise by that question and turn away really quck and start to giggle* (She having this expression of surprise and geez I dont know what I should say kinda look if you know wut I mean) ----That go on for like about 40 second--- Me: *Smile* It alright if you dont want to =) Her: *continue to giggle a little more* Her: Actually I'm gonna go with Joey, but I'll tell you what, I'll save a dance just for you ok =) Me: Ok =) (broken heart inside though) So in the end, I really dont know what her feeling toward me is, cuz the answer that she gave me is not really a shot down but as the same time, not a yes either -_-. Is she actually have some interest in me or is she not ? I'm so confuse now -_-
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