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  1. Am wondering if there is anyone out there who has any advice on my situation..... I'm a gay male and have been dating someone for the last 7 months. From the second we met, we were inseperable. We are both attracted to one another mentally and physically, share common thoughts and belifs, laugh a lot (same kind of sense of humor), are very affectionate with one another, and on top of it all, we love each other. The one big problem is the sex. There ain't too much of it. We've had sex over the course of our relationship, but it's been very scarce and a big issue for us. This is his first real serious relationship..prior to this, it was casual relationships, with casual sex. He's confused as to what is wrong. He doesn't know if it's him not being 'sexually' attracted to me, or something more psychological. We both want this relationship to work, but the sex issue has become a huge problem for us - it ends up effecting everything else...anybody have any advice for me? Anything would be appreciated.
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