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Everything posted by leeann

  1. How do I know if the man I live with is IT and should marry him ( he says he wants to get engaged by x-mas)? I love him very much and he loves me. While he has many of the qualities that I want, i.e. good values, hard working, caring, thoughtful, affectionate, I am full of insecurities, jealousy and doubts about him and us. Although he treats me well and is a great father to my son, I am confused because if he is IT, then why do I have these feelings that consume my days? How do I know if these emotions are my problem and baggage or if it is a warning sign that I am with the wrong man? I don't want to lose him but I am sick and tired of never feeling secure with him about my body and looks or doubting his love and commitment to me. He is an amazing man who many would say to hold on to tightly for he treats me like a Princess. So why am I confused?
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