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Everything posted by mrwrong24

  1. It would be more like this. Hey, we should go see that movie on Friday, you're not doing anything are you?, If you have plans, cancel them, I'm more important!, pick you up at 7?
  2. PERFECT! hard to say no to, I'm not asking, and I'm not making her feel like a last resort! With idea's like these I'll have women hanging off my like flies in no time..
  3. I can't win lol How about, I've thought about it and there's nobody else I'd want to go with?
  4. Well yes, it is mainly the fear of rejection but the fear of rejection then having to work with someone whom knows you like them but has no interest in you. Plus we're good friends and I know if I tell her I like her and she doesn't like me back I will never be able to talk to her the same again and our friendship will on my part be kaput!
  5. I've decided that I will tell her I can't find anyone else to go to the movie with me and would she like to come, how I will word it remains to be seen, F$%K I'm hopeless when it comes to women!!! as, I'm sure you have all guessed.. being shy sucks big time!
  6. There lies the reason for the passiveness and is the only thing holding me back!
  7. Also, each time we went out she's come to my house to pick me up then dropped me off afterwards, the first night we went out she even bought me a drink..
  8. another thing I should mention is (I hope she's not reading this) She's called me up a few times on the helpdesk about problems with her computer that are somewhat... Insignificant.. She also seems to lower her voice to suit mine but that could be my imagination. I'm inclined to just take it slow as friends and see where it leads, but on the other hand I WANT TO KNOW HOW SHE FEELS *cough cough* I know.. I shouldn't yell.
  9. I can agree with the find another woman who shows interest, but when you have a girl who makes you go red in the face and babble like a two year old I say if at first you don't succeed try try till you die!
  10. 3) I don't want to ruin our friendship!
  11. I'm too scared to because 1) I hate rejection and if she says no I'll never be able to look her in the face again 2) She works for the same organisation as I but in a different building. Last time I told a girl I liked her she put my heart through a minser and fed it to her dogs!
  12. Ok, I'm about ready to call it quits. There's a girl at work whom I've liked for ages but I was with someone else and never thought she was interested. A couple of weeks ago she invited me out for work drinks (she never goes out to my knowledge) a couple of guys came with us (I invited them) I was seeing a girl at the time and things weren't working out so I broke up with her. The following Friday I went out for drinks with her and a few colleuges again, she left early so I decided she didn't like me. The Friday after this we had an Xmas part for work, I wasn't going to go but she talked me in to it, I found out it was going to cost heaps because I wasn't a social club member so another women in the office whom is a good friend said "ok, you can go as my partner" I told the girl I like Ok I'm going as the other womens partner to which she replied "Don't you want to go as my partner? boo hoo" anyhow I went out, sat next to her and talked to her most of the night, at one stage she even pushed her desert over towards me and of course I ate some (with my spoon) then my fake partner came over and pushed her desert towards me but I didn't have any. The girl I like and I talked about crap and at one stage she asked if it was over between me and my ex to which I replied yes. Anyways, on Saturday I met a guy staying at my bro's, I was talking about her and he said he knew her and had been talking to her recently and asked if she had a bf yet, apparently she said either that there's this guy I really like at my work or I've kinda been seeing this guy from work (i'm sure she means me as there's no other guys our age at work) Today I was sending emails back and forth to her which we do almost every day lately. I asked if she was up for drinks on Friday and she said no going by how I feel today to which I replied ok. anyway she said she probably would by friday and don't be upset, I said I'm somewhat disappointed you aren't coming but not upset, by the time Friday comes I may decide to snob ya's and go see a movie (hint Hint) She said she's been wanting to see the movie and may take her brother during the holidays" I said I'll have to find someone to go with me (hint hint) as I don't want to be the weirdo sitting up the back by myself (hint hint hint!!!) she said I always go to movies alone etc etc. Argh! What do I do now?? I can't tell if she likes me or not, one moment she calls me mate the next she calls me darl.. ARGH!!
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